Roll Seated Single Leg Shoulder Flexor Depresor Retractor

Roll Seated Single Leg Shoulder Flexor Depresor Retractor

The Roll Seated Single Leg Shoulder Flexor Depressor Retractor is an advanced exercise that targets multiple muscle groups in the upper body. This exercise is designed to increase shoulder stability, improve posture, and enhance overall upper body strength. It requires a great deal of control, coordination, and core stability to perform correctly. During this exercise, you sit on a stability ball with one foot firmly planted on the ground while the other leg is raised slightly off the floor. The stability ball challenges your core and balance, engaging your abdominal muscles throughout the movement. As you assume this position, you'll focus on activating various muscles in the shoulders, including the flexors, depressors, and retractors. By performing this exercise, you can strengthen your shoulder muscles, which can help alleviate shoulder pain and improve posture. It also helps to develop better functional strength, which means you'll have a more stable and functional upper body for everyday activities and athletic performance. It's important to note that the Roll Seated Single Leg Shoulder Flexor Depressor Retractor exercise requires a good level of stability and mobility in the shoulders, so it may not be suitable for those with pre-existing shoulder injuries or limitations. As always, it's crucial to use proper form and technique to ensure safety and effectiveness.


  • Sit on a stability ball or chair with your back straight and feet flat on the floor.
  • Extend one leg out in front of you, keeping your foot flexed.
  • Place your hands on the sides of your head with your elbows bent and pointed out to the sides.
  • Slowly roll your hips forward, rounding your lower back and contracting your abdominal muscles.
  • As you roll your hips forward, simultaneously pull your shoulder blades back and down.
  • Slowly return to the starting position by straightening your hips and lifting your chest up.
  • Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions, then switch sides and repeat with the opposite leg extended.

Tips & Tricks

  • Engage your core and maintain good posture throughout the movement.
  • Focus on using the appropriate amount of resistance or weight to challenge your muscles without compromising form.
  • Keep your shoulder blades down and back during the exercise to activate the targeted muscles.
  • Gradually increase the difficulty of the exercise by using resistance bands, dumbbells, or other tools.
  • Incorporate this exercise into a well-rounded upper body workout routine to target multiple muscle groups.
  • Listen to your body and avoid overtraining or pushing yourself too hard, especially if you're new to this exercise.
  • Ensure proper nutrition and hydration to support muscle growth and recovery.
  • Rest and recover adequately between workouts to prevent injury and optimize muscle repair.
  • Consult with a fitness professional to ensure proper form and technique.
  • Set specific goals and track your progress to stay motivated and consistently challenge yourself.


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