Cable Rope High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension

Cable Rope High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension

The Cable Rope High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension is an excellent exercise targeting the triceps brachii, particularly emphasizing the long head of the muscle. Utilizing a cable machine with a rope attachment, this exercise provides continuous tension throughout the movement, crucial for maximizing muscle engagement and growth. Unlike free weight exercises, the cable system allows for smoother motion, reducing the risk of joint strain and enhancing muscle isolation. Performing this exercise necessitates standing facing away from the high pulley, grasping the rope attachment securely with both hands. As the movement focuses on extending the elbows while keeping the upper arms stationary, it is ideal for sculpting and defining the triceps. The overhead position also challenges your core stability and shoulder mobilization, making this an excellent compound move for overall upper body strength. Incorporating the Cable Rope High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension into your routine can significantly improve arm strength and aesthetics. This exercise is adaptable to different fitness levels; simply adjust the weight to match your capacity. For those seeking to enhance their hypertrophy regimen, maintaining proper form and a controlled tempo is crucial to avoid unwanted momentum and ensure maximum muscle engagement.


  • Attach a rope handle to the high pulley of a cable machine.
  • Select the appropriate weight on the stack.
  • Stand facing away from the machine and grasp the rope handles with both hands, ensuring your palms are facing each other.
  • Step forward slightly to create tension on the cable.
  • Raise your arms so that your upper arms are extended over your head and your elbows are close to your ears.
  • Keep your upper arms stationary and slowly lower the rope behind your head by bending at the elbows.
  • Continue lowering the rope until your forearms and biceps touch.
  • Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement.
  • Return to the starting position by contracting your triceps and extending your elbows, moving the rope back up until your arms are fully extended overhead.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Prioritize proper form to target the triceps effectively and avoid shoulder strain.
  • Adjust the pulley to the appropriate height to ensure a full range of motion.
  • Keep your core engaged to maintain stability and prevent lower back injuries.
  • Use a rope attachment to allow for a more natural wrist position and better tricep activation.
  • Perform the exercise slowly and control both the extension and the return phases.
  • Start with a lighter weight to master the technique before gradually increasing the load.
  • Ensure your elbows remain close to your head throughout the movement to isolate the triceps.
  • Exhale as you extend your arms and inhale as you return to the starting position.
  • Incorporate this exercise into your tricep workout routine 2-3 times per week for optimal results.
  • Avoid locking out your elbows at the end of the extension to maintain tension on the triceps.


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