Power Sled Drag

Power Sled Drag

The Power Sled Drag is an intense and effective exercise that targets multiple muscle groups in your body. It involves dragging a weighted sled across various surfaces, such as grass, concrete, or turf. This type of workout is commonly used by athletes, as it helps to build stamina, explosive power, and overall strength. The primary muscles engaged during a Power Sled Drag are the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Additionally, it activates the core muscles, including the abs and lower back, as they stabilize your body during the dragging motion. This exercise also works the upper body, specifically the shoulders, trapezius, and forearms, as they are responsible for pulling and controlling the sled. One of the key benefits of the Power Sled Drag is its ability to enhance functional strength. By mimicking real-life movements like pushing or pulling heavy objects, this exercise helps improve your ability to perform day-to-day activities with ease. It also enhances your athletic performance by increasing explosive power and speed, which can be beneficial for sports such as football, rugby, or track and field events. Power Sled Drags can be easily customized to suit your fitness level. By adjusting the weight on the sled or the distance you drag it, you can challenge yourself and progressively improve. Whether you're looking to build lower body strength, improve your cardiovascular endurance, or enhance overall athleticism, incorporating Power Sled Drags into your workout routine can be a fantastic addition.


  • Start by attaching a sled to a harness or a weight belt.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and face away from the sled.
  • Bend your knees slightly and lean forward from your hips, maintaining a neutral spine.
  • Grasp the handles of the harness or weight belt and take a deep breath.
  • Engage your core and begin walking forward, allowing the sled to drag behind you.
  • Take small, controlled steps and maintain an upright posture throughout the movement.
  • Continue walking for a designated distance or time period, focusing on the resistance provided by the sled.
  • Once you have completed the desired distance or time, gradually decelerate and come to a stop.
  • Remove the harness or weight belt with caution, ensuring proper form and technique.
  • Rest and recover before incorporating the Power Sled Drag into your next workout.

Tips & Tricks

  • Start with a lighter load and gradually increase the weight to challenge yourself.
  • Maintain good posture and engage your core throughout the exercise.
  • Keep your arms straight and use your legs to drive the sled forward.
  • Take short and quick steps to maintain control and speed.
  • Focus on pushing from your heels and generating power from your glutes.
  • For an added challenge, try dragging the sled backward.
  • Incorporate variations like lateral sled drag or walking lunges with sled for different muscle activation.
  • Ensure you have enough space and a flat, even surface to perform this exercise safely.
  • Don't forget to warm up your muscles and stretch properly before starting.
  • Listen to your body, take breaks as needed, and progressively increase the intensity of your sled drags over time.


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