Lever Single Leg Extension (plate loaded)

Lever Single Leg Extension (plate loaded)

The Lever Single Leg Extension is an effective exercise that targets the muscles in your quadriceps, helping to strengthen and sculpt your thighs. This exercise is performed using a plate-loaded machine, which offers a controlled range of motion and allows you to adjust the resistance according to your fitness level. To begin, sit in an upright position with your back firmly supported against the backrest of the machine. Place one leg on the padded lever with the foot facing forward, ensuring that the knee is in line with the machine's pivot point. Your other leg can either remain bent or placed on a support platform for stability. Engage your core, grip the handles, and exhale as you extend your working leg fully, pushing against the resistance. Keep your back straight and maintain control throughout the movement. Inhale as you slowly return to the starting position, maintaining tension in the muscles. The Lever Single Leg Extension targets the quadriceps, particularly the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and rectus femoris muscles. It also engages the stabilizing muscles of the hips, glutes, and core. To maximize the benefits of this exercise, focus on maintaining proper form, controlling the movement, and gradually increasing the weight as your strength improves. Incorporating the Lever Single Leg Extension into your leg workout routine can help you build muscular endurance, increase leg strength, and improve overall lower body stability. As with any exercise, it's essential to start with lighter weights and gradually progress to heavier loads while maintaining good form. Remember to always listen to your body, give yourself adequate rest between workouts, and stay consistent to achieve optimal results.


  • Sit on the machine with your back against the pad.
  • Place one leg on the lever and hook your foot underneath the roller pad.
  • Select an appropriate weight on the weight stack.
  • Grasp the side handles of the machine for support.
  • Extend your leg fully in front of you, focusing on contracting your quadriceps.
  • Hold the contracted position for a brief pause.
  • Slowly lower the lever back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Switch legs and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Tips & Tricks

  • 1. Start with a weight that challenges you but allows for proper form and control throughout the movement.
  • 2. Engage your core and focus on keeping your hips stable during the exercise for optimal results.
  • 3. Ensure that the lever pad is properly adjusted to align with your ankle joint to maintain proper biomechanics.
  • 4. Control the movement throughout the entire range of motion, avoiding any jerky or swinging motions.
  • 5. Gradually increase the weight as you become stronger and more comfortable with the exercise.
  • 6. Incorporate single-leg exercises like this one to help improve balance and unilateral leg strength.
  • 7. Breathe consistently throughout the exercise, exhaling as you extend your leg and inhaling as you return to the starting position.
  • 8. Pay attention to any discomfort or pain during the exercise and adjust accordingly, consulting a fitness professional if needed.
  • 9. Incorporate this exercise into a well-rounded leg workout routine, combining it with other compound movements like squats and lunges.
  • 10. Follow a balanced and nutritious diet to provide your body with the necessary fuel and nutrients to support your fitness goals.


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