28-Day Six Pack Abs Challenge

Home | Challenge | Beginner: 28 Days

Embark on a transformational journey with the 28-Day Six Pack Abs Challenge, designed specifically for beginners. This easy-to-follow home workout requires no equipment and targets all areas of your core to help you achieve those enviable six-pack abs. Commit to this daily routine for 28 days to see a noticeable improvement in your core strength and definition.

**Air Bike**: Lie flat on your back with your hands beside your ears. Lift your knees to form a 90-degree angle and start a pedaling motion in the air. As you do this, try to touch your right elbow to your left knee and your left elbow to your right knee. Aim to perform 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

**Alternate Leg Raises**: Lie on your back with your hands under your buttocks for support. Raise one leg to a 90-degree angle while keeping the other leg flat on the floor. Lower the raised leg slowly and switch sides. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps for each leg.

**Alternate Oblique Crunches**: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head. Bring your right shoulder towards your left knee while contracting your obliques, then switch sides. Continue alternating for 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

**Bent Legs Half Wipers**: Lie on your back with your arms out to the sides, feet off the ground, and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Slowly rotate your knees to the right, then to the left, like a windshield wiper. Keep your shoulders flat on the ground. Aim for 3 sets of 10 reps on each side.

**Cocoons**: Lie flat on your back with your arms extended overhead and your legs straight. Simultaneously lift your legs and upper body towards each other while bringing your arms forward to hug your knees. Return to the starting position slowly. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

**Floor Crunches**: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, but avoid pulling on your neck. Contract your abs to lift your shoulders off the floor. Hold for a second, then lower back down. Complete 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

**Lying Leg Hip Raise On The Floor**: Lie on your back with your hands at your sides and legs straight. Lift your legs towards the ceiling while raising your hips off the floor. Slowly lower your hips and legs back to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Follow this structured plan consistently for 28 days, along with a balanced diet and adequate hydration, to move closer to your fitness goals. Remember to warm up before starting your workout and cool down afterward to prevent injury.

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  • Day 1

    Looking to carve out those abs in record time? This intense 7-minute HIIT ab workout is designed to provide maximum core engagement with minimal equipment. All you need is your body weight, making this routine perfect for home or on-the-go sessions. The workout follows the interval training method with a structure of 10 seconds to prepare, a 40-second burst of activity, and 20 seconds of rest, with a brief recovery segment to transition between exercises. Dive into this routine to sculpt and strengthen your core like never before! Here's a breakdown of each exercise involved in this power-packed routine: Start with **Floor Crunches**. For 40 seconds, focus on flexing your abdominal muscles while keeping a controlled movement to avoid straining your neck or back. Move on to **Alternate Oblique Crunches**, which target the sides of the abdomen. Rotate your torso to touch your elbow to the opposite knee, alternating sides for the entire duration. Next up are **Lying Leg Hip Raises** on the floor. Lie flat on your back and lift your legs towards the ceiling, lifting your hips at the peak to engage the lower abs. Proceed with **Alternate Leg Raises**. This exercise requires you to raise one leg at a time, which particularly targets the lower abs and hip flexors. Continue the burn with **Bent Legs Half Wipers**. Lie on your back with bent knees, moving your legs side to side like windshield wipers to work on your obliques and overall core stability. Increase the intensity with the **Air Bike** exercise. Engage in a twisting bicycle motion, bringing opposite elbows to knees for a comprehensive ab workout that also activates your obliques. Finish strong with **Cocoons**. Curl your body into a 'cocoon' shape by raising your knees towards your chest and engaging your core. Lower your body back down in a controlled manner and repeat. By completing this sequence, you'll have effectively targeted every major muscle group within your core. It's a quick, efficient way to get a solid ab workout without the need for special equipment. Stick to this routine, and you'll be on your way to a stronger, more defined midsection. Ready to sweat? Let’s crunch it out!

    #Exercise / Sets
    1Floor Crunches1 set • :40.
    Floor Crunches
    2Alternate Oblique Crunches1 set • :40.
    Alternate Oblique Crunches
    3Lying Leg Hip Raise On The Floor1 set • :40.
    Lying Leg Hip Raise On The Floor
    4Alternate Leg Raises1 set • :40.
    Alternate Leg Raises
    5Bent Legs Half Wipers1 set • :40.
    Bent Legs Half Wipers
    6Air Bike1 set • :40.
    Air Bike
    7Cocoons1 set • :40.
  • Day 2

    Looking to carve out those abs in record time? This intense 7-minute HIIT ab workout is designed to provide maximum core engagement with minimal equipment. All you need is your body weight, making this routine perfect for home or on-the-go sessions. The workout follows the interval training method with a structure of 10 seconds to prepare, a 40-second burst of activity, and 20 seconds of rest, with a brief recovery segment to transition between exercises. Dive into this routine to sculpt and strengthen your core like never before! Here's a breakdown of each exercise involved in this power-packed routine: Start with **Floor Crunches**. For 40 seconds, focus on flexing your abdominal muscles while keeping a controlled movement to avoid straining your neck or back. Move on to **Alternate Oblique Crunches**, which target the sides of the abdomen. Rotate your torso to touch your elbow to the opposite knee, alternating sides for the entire duration. Next up are **Lying Leg Hip Raises** on the floor. Lie flat on your back and lift your legs towards the ceiling, lifting your hips at the peak to engage the lower abs. Proceed with **Alternate Leg Raises**. This exercise requires you to raise one leg at a time, which particularly targets the lower abs and hip flexors. Continue the burn with **Bent Legs Half Wipers**. Lie on your back with bent knees, moving your legs side to side like windshield wipers to work on your obliques and overall core stability. Increase the intensity with the **Air Bike** exercise. Engage in a twisting bicycle motion, bringing opposite elbows to knees for a comprehensive ab workout that also activates your obliques. Finish strong with **Cocoons**. Curl your body into a 'cocoon' shape by raising your knees towards your chest and engaging your core. Lower your body back down in a controlled manner and repeat. By completing this sequence, you'll have effectively targeted every major muscle group within your core. It's a quick, efficient way to get a solid ab workout without the need for special equipment. Stick to this routine, and you'll be on your way to a stronger, more defined midsection. Ready to sweat? Let’s crunch it out!

    #Exercise / Sets
    1Floor Crunches1 set • :40.
    Floor Crunches
    2Alternate Oblique Crunches1 set • :40.
    Alternate Oblique Crunches
    3Lying Leg Hip Raise On The Floor1 set • :40.
    Lying Leg Hip Raise On The Floor
    4Alternate Leg Raises1 set • :40.
    Alternate Leg Raises
    5Bent Legs Half Wipers1 set • :40.
    Bent Legs Half Wipers
    6Air Bike1 set • :40.
    Air Bike
    7Cocoons1 set • :40.
  • Day 3

    Looking to carve out those abs in record time? This intense 7-minute HIIT ab workout is designed to provide maximum core engagement with minimal equipment. All you need is your body weight, making this routine perfect for home or on-the-go sessions. The workout follows the interval training method with a structure of 10 seconds to prepare, a 40-second burst of activity, and 20 seconds of rest, with a brief recovery segment to transition between exercises. Dive into this routine to sculpt and strengthen your core like never before! Here's a breakdown of each exercise involved in this power-packed routine: Start with **Floor Crunches**. For 40 seconds, focus on flexing your abdominal muscles while keeping a controlled movement to avoid straining your neck or back. Move on to **Alternate Oblique Crunches**, which target the sides of the abdomen. Rotate your torso to touch your elbow to the opposite knee, alternating sides for the entire duration. Next up are **Lying Leg Hip Raises** on the floor. Lie flat on your back and lift your legs towards the ceiling, lifting your hips at the peak to engage the lower abs. Proceed with **Alternate Leg Raises**. This exercise requires you to raise one leg at a time, which particularly targets the lower abs and hip flexors. Continue the burn with **Bent Legs Half Wipers**. Lie on your back with bent knees, moving your legs side to side like windshield wipers to work on your obliques and overall core stability. Increase the intensity with the **Air Bike** exercise. Engage in a twisting bicycle motion, bringing opposite elbows to knees for a comprehensive ab workout that also activates your obliques. Finish strong with **Cocoons**. Curl your body into a 'cocoon' shape by raising your knees towards your chest and engaging your core. Lower your body back down in a controlled manner and repeat. By completing this sequence, you'll have effectively targeted every major muscle group within your core. It's a quick, efficient way to get a solid ab workout without the need for special equipment. Stick to this routine, and you'll be on your way to a stronger, more defined midsection. Ready to sweat? Let’s crunch it out!

    #Exercise / Sets
    1Floor Crunches1 set • :40.
    Floor Crunches
    2Alternate Oblique Crunches1 set • :40.
    Alternate Oblique Crunches
    3Lying Leg Hip Raise On The Floor1 set • :40.
    Lying Leg Hip Raise On The Floor
    4Alternate Leg Raises1 set • :40.
    Alternate Leg Raises
    5Bent Legs Half Wipers1 set • :40.
    Bent Legs Half Wipers
    6Air Bike1 set • :40.
    Air Bike
    7Cocoons1 set • :40.
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