Assisted Straight Arms Lying Stretch

Assisted Straight Arms Lying Stretch

The Assisted Straight Arms Lying Stretch is a fantastic exercise that targets multiple muscle groups and promotes overall flexibility. This exercise primarily focuses on stretching the chest, shoulders, and upper back muscles, which can often become tight and restricted due to poor posture or long hours sitting at a desk. To perform this stretch, you will need an exercise band or a towel. Start by lying flat on your back on a yoga mat or a comfortable surface. Hold the exercise band or towel with both hands, keeping your arms straight and extended overhead. The band should be taut but not overly tight. Slowly lower your arms towards the ground, allowing gravity and the resistance from the band to pull your arms back. As you descend into the stretch, remember to keep your core engaged and maintain a neutral spine. You should feel a gentle pull or stretch in the muscles along the front of your chest and shoulders. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, breathing deeply and consciously relaxing into the movement. Remember to avoid any jerking or bouncing motions, as this can strain the muscles. After completing the stretch on one side, repeat the exercise on the opposite side to maintain balanced flexibility. Regularly incorporating the Assisted Straight Arms Lying Stretch into your workout routine can help alleviate muscle tightness, improve your posture, and enhance your range of motion. Whether you're an avid gym-goer or someone who spends long hours working from home, this stretch is an excellent addition to promote better mobility and overall well-being.


  • Lie flat on your back with your legs extended and your arms by your sides.
  • Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the ground.
  • Slowly raise your arms straight above your head, towards the ceiling, while keeping them close to your ears.
  • If needed, use a resistance band or towel to assist you in the movement by holding onto it.
  • Continue reaching your arms overhead until you feel a gentle stretch in your shoulders, chest, and upper back.
  • Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds while focusing on deep breathing.
  • Slowly release the stretch and bring your arms back down by your sides.
  • Repeat the exercise for a total of 2-3 sets.

Tips & Tricks

  • Maintain a neutral spine throughout the stretch.
  • Engage your core muscles to stabilize your torso.
  • Focus on breathing deeply and relax into the stretch.
  • Gradually increase the intensity of the stretch over time.
  • Incorporate this stretch into your warm-up routine.
  • Use a prop or towel to support your arms and enhance the stretch.
  • Aim to hold the stretch for at least 30-60 seconds.
  • Listen to your body and avoid any painful sensations.
  • Combine this stretch with exercises that strengthen the muscles being stretched.
  • Perform this stretch regularly to improve flexibility and range of motion.


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