One Arm Bayesian Cable Biceps Curl

One Arm Bayesian Cable Biceps Curl

The One Arm Bayesian Cable Biceps Curl is a highly effective isolation exercise that focuses on the biceps, offering an intense muscle contraction and a more significant pump compared to traditional dumbbell curls. Utilizing a cable machine, this exercise ensures constant tension throughout the movement, maximizing muscle fiber recruitment for superior growth and strength. The adjustable nature of the cable machine allows for precise control over the range of motion, making it ideal for fine-tuning the neuromuscular connection in the biceps. Employing the One Arm Bayesian Cable Biceps Curl can correct imbalances between arms while adding variety to your biceps training routine. Unlike free weights, the cable setup enables you to modify the angle and positioning to target the biceps from different perspectives. By performing this exercise one arm at a time, you can focus on perfecting your form and engaging the biceps more efficiently, helping to achieve uniform muscle development. Moreover, the One Arm Bayesian Cable Biceps Curl emphasizes the eccentric phase — when lowering the cable — which is crucial for muscle hypertrophy and recovery. Incorporating this exercise into your regimen can enhance not only your biceps’ strength and size but also improve overall arm aesthetics and functionality. Whether seeking to bulk up or define your arms, this exercise delivers excellent results when executed consistently with proper technique.


  • Stand facing away from the cable machine and position the pulley at about waist height.
  • Grab the handle with one hand, using an underhand grip (palm facing up).
  • Step forward so that your arm is extended behind you and there is tension in the cable.
  • Keep your elbow close to your body and maintain a slight bend in your knees for stability.
  • Curl the handle towards your shoulder by contracting your bicep, keeping your upper arm stationary.
  • Squeeze your bicep at the top of the movement.
  • Slowly lower the handle back to the starting position, resisting the weight.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, then switch arms.

Tips & Tricks

  • Ensure to fully extend your arm to achieve a full range of motion, which maximizes muscle engagement.
  • Keep your elbow stationary and close to your body to isolate the biceps effectively.
  • Use a moderate weight that allows you to complete the sets with the correct form without swinging or jerking.
  • Focus on a slow and controlled movement, especially during the eccentric (lowering) phase.
  • Engage your core to maintain stability and avoid any unwanted movement or strain on your lower back.
  • Inhale as you lower the weight and exhale as you curl the weight up, maintaining steady breathing throughout.
  • Make sure the cable is set at an appropriate height, ideally around chest level, to ensure the proper angle for the exercise.
  • Incorporate slight pauses at the peak contraction to increase time under tension and enhance muscle growth.
  • Switch arms after each set to ensure balanced development and prevent muscle imbalances.
  • Warm up your biceps and shoulder joints with light exercises or stretches before performing the exercise to prevent injury.


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