StrongMan Shield Carry

StrongMan Shield Carry

The StrongMan Shield Carry is an intense and effective exercise that challenges your entire body, building both strength and endurance. As the name suggests, this exercise is inspired by the feats of strength displayed by StrongMan athletes. It primarily targets the muscles of your upper body, including your shoulders, core, and grip strength. However, it also engages your lower body muscles, such as your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. During the StrongMan Shield Carry, you'll be carrying a weighted shield or any large and heavy object in front of your body while walking a certain distance. This not only helps develop your upper body strength but also improves your functional fitness, as it mimics real-life movements like carrying grocery bags or moving furniture. One of the key benefits of this exercise is its ability to improve your overall muscular strength and stability. By challenging your upper body muscles to stabilize the weight, you'll notice improvements in your posture, as well as a stronger and more defined upper body. Additionally, it can help improve grip strength, which is beneficial for various other exercises like deadlifts and pull-ups. Incorporating the StrongMan Shield Carry into your workout routine can add a fresh and exciting element to your training. It can be done at the gym with specialized equipment or even at home using household items like a heavy backpack or weighted sandbag. Remember, proper form and technique are important to prevent injury, so start with a lighter weight and gradually increase as you build strength and confidence. Challenge yourself, stay consistent, and you'll reap the rewards of this powerful exercise.


  • Start by gripping a pair of heavy dumbbells or kettlebells in each hand.
  • Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and your core engaged.
  • Bend your knees slightly and hinge at the hips to pick up the weights.
  • Maintain a neutral spine as you lift the weights off the ground.
  • Fully extend your arms and hold the weights by your sides.
  • Keep your shoulders back and down, and avoid rounding your upper back.
  • Begin walking forward, taking short and controlled steps.
  • Focus on keeping your core tight and your posture upright.
  • Engage your abs to stabilize your body and prevent swaying or side-to-side movement.
  • Keep your steps deliberate and even, maintaining a steady pace.
  • Continue carrying the weights for the desired distance or time.
  • When finishing the exercise, come to a complete stop and carefully lower the weights back to the ground.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on developing overall strength and stability to improve your performance in the StrongMan Shield Carry.
  • Engage your core muscles by maintaining an upright posture throughout the exercise.
  • Practice proper grip technique to ensure a secure hold on the shield and prevent it from slipping.
  • Incorporate shoulder and back exercises into your training routine to strengthen the muscles involved in carrying the shield.
  • Include exercises that mimic the movements of the StrongMan Shield Carry, such as farmer's walks and overhead carries, to enhance your overall performance.
  • Gradually increase the weight of the shield to continually challenge your strength and endurance.
  • Implement interval training or circuit training to improve your cardiovascular fitness, which is essential for sustaining the effort required in the StrongMan Shield Carry.
  • Ensure you are fueling your body with a well-balanced diet that includes enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support muscle growth and overall performance.
  • Stay hydrated before, during, and after your workouts to optimize your body's performance and recovery.
  • Allow for proper rest and recovery between training sessions to allow your muscles to repair and grow stronger.


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