Lever Seated Leg Extension (VERSION 2)

Lever Seated Leg Extension (VERSION 2)

The Lever Seated Leg Extension (Version 2) is a versatile exercise that primarily targets the muscles in your quadriceps, located on the front of your thigh. This exercise is typically performed using a lever machine where you sit on a pad and extend your legs against resistance. The Version 2 of this exercise is a slight variation that puts more emphasis on different muscles. This exercise is great for isolating and strengthening the muscles in your quadriceps, which are crucial for activities like walking, running, and jumping. It helps to improve the overall strength and stability of your lower body, making it an excellent addition to your leg day routine. Not only does the Lever Seated Leg Extension (Version 2) target your quadriceps, but it also engages your glutes (butt muscles) and hamstrings (back of the thigh) to a lesser extent. By working these muscle groups, you can achieve better muscular balance and reduce the risk of injuries related to muscle imbalances. As with any exercise, it's important to maintain proper form and technique throughout the movement. Keep your back firmly against the pad, your core engaged, and your movement controlled. Avoid using momentum or jerking motions as you extend your legs. Incorporating the Lever Seated Leg Extension (Version 2) into your workout routine can help you develop stronger, more powerful legs, enhance athletic performance, and improve your overall lower body strength. As always, listen to your body, start with lighter resistance, and gradually increase the weight as your strength improves.


  • Sit properly on the leg extension machine with your back firmly against the backrest and your feet flat on the foot pad.
  • Adjust the machine lever so that it rests comfortably on your lower legs, just above your feet.
  • Place your hands on the side bars or use the handles provided for stability.
  • Engage your core and keep your upper body stationary throughout the movement.
  • Exhale as you extend your legs, raising the padded lever until your legs are straight but without locking your knees.
  • Pause briefly at the top of the movement, then inhale as you slowly lower the lever back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining control and proper form throughout the exercise.
  • Adjust the weight or resistance as needed to challenge yourself appropriately.
  • Remember to breathe continuously throughout the exercise and avoid any jerky movements.
  • If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop the exercise and consult with a fitness professional.

Tips & Tricks

  • Start with light weights and gradually increase the resistance to challenge your leg muscles.
  • Maintain proper form throughout the entire movement to effectively target your quadriceps.
  • Engage your core muscles by keeping your back straight and your abs tight during the exercise.
  • Control the movement by slowing down the extension and flexion phases to maximize muscle activation.
  • Breathe consistently, exhaling during the effort phase and inhaling during the return phase.
  • To avoid strain on your knees, ensure that the resistance is focused on your quadriceps rather than your joints.
  • If the exercise machine is not adjusted properly to fit your body, modify the settings to ensure proper alignment.
  • Always warm up before performing leg extensions to increase blood flow and prevent injury.
  • Include other compound leg movements like squats and lunges in your workout routine for overall leg strength.
  • Listen to your body and adjust the weight and intensity according to your fitness level and personal capabilities.


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