Band One Arm Twisting Seated Row

Band One Arm Twisting Seated Row

The Band One Arm Twisting Seated Row is a highly effective exercise that targets your back muscles, specifically the latissimus dorsi (lats) and the rhomboids. This exercise combines the benefits of both a seated row and a twisting motion, which engages multiple muscle groups and enhances overall core strength. To perform the Band One Arm Twisting Seated Row, you will need a resistance band with handles and a stable anchor point. Start by sitting on a flat bench or chair, with your legs extended in front and your back straight. Secure the resistance band around the anchor point and hold the handle with one hand. As you pull the band towards your body, focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together and keeping your back muscles engaged. The twisting motion adds an extra challenge and activates your obliques, helping to tone and strengthen your core. This exercise also improves posture, as it targets the muscles responsible for keeping your spine upright. The Band One Arm Twisting Seated Row is scalable to different fitness levels by adjusting the resistance band tension or using different resistance levels of bands. As with any exercise, proper form is crucial to gain maximum benefits and prevent injury. Engaging your core, keeping a neutral spine, and maintaining controlled movements throughout the exercise will ensure optimal results. Incorporating the Band One Arm Twisting Seated Row into your workout routine can help improve your back strength, enhance posture, and develop a more balanced physique. Remember to combine this exercise with other back exercises and a well-rounded fitness program for optimal results.


  • Sit on a bench or chair with your back straight, holding a resistance band in one hand.
  • Place the band securely under your foot of the same side as the hand holding the band.
  • Extend your arm fully in front of you, palm facing downward.
  • Pull the band towards your body, bending your elbow and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Keep your back straight and your core engaged throughout the movement.
  • Pause for a moment at the contracted position and then slowly release the band back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and then switch sides to work the other arm.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the exercise to engage the targeted muscles effectively.
  • Incorporate both slow and controlled movements as well as explosive movements to challenge your muscles in different ways.
  • Ensure that your core is engaged and stable throughout the exercise to support your spine and enhance overall stability.
  • Gradually increase the resistance of the band as you become stronger to continually challenge your muscles.
  • Don't forget to breathe steadily throughout the movement for proper oxygenation and to prevent unnecessary strain.
  • Alternate the arm you use for each set to maintain balance and symmetry in your upper body strength.
  • Take breaks in between sets to allow your muscles to recover and reduce the risk of overexertion.
  • Pay attention to the muscles being targeted and focus on contracting them with each repetition.
  • Incorporate this exercise in a well-rounded workout routine to strengthen your back, shoulders, and arms.
  • Listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially if you're a beginner.


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