Band Kneeling Preacher Curl

Band Kneeling Preacher Curl

The Band Kneeling Preacher Curl is a fantastic exercise for targeting the biceps muscles. It combines the benefits of both resistance bands and a preacher curl bench to provide an effective and challenging workout. This exercise is especially beneficial for those looking to build strength and size in their arms. To perform the Band Kneeling Preacher Curl, you will need a resistance band and a sturdy object to anchor it to. Start by attaching the band to the anchor point and kneeling down facing the band. Grip the handles of the band with an underhand grip and position your upper arms on top of the preacher bench, keeping your elbows tucked in. The Band Kneeling Preacher Curl primarily targets the biceps brachii muscle, located in the front of the upper arm. This muscle is responsible for flexing the elbow joint and is commonly referred to as the "show muscle" due to its prominence on the front of the arm. By incorporating this exercise into your workout routine, you can effectively build strength, size, and definition in your biceps. When performing the Band Kneeling Preacher Curl, it is important to maintain proper form and technique. By keeping your upper arms firmly planted on the preacher bench and focusing on the contraction of the biceps, you can maximize the effectiveness of the exercise. Additionally, make sure to use a resistance band that provides a challenging level of resistance but still allows for proper execution of the movement. The Band Kneeling Preacher Curl is a versatile and effective exercise that can easily be incorporated into your home or gym workouts. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced lifter, adding this exercise to your routine can help you achieve your fitness goals and build strong, defined biceps. Remember to always warm up before performing any exercise and consult with a fitness professional to ensure proper technique and form.


  • Start by kneeling on the floor with a resistance band securely anchored under your feet.
  • Grasp the resistance band, keeping your palms facing up.
  • Ensure your elbows are touching the inside of your thighs, just above the knees.
  • Begin the movement by curling the resistance band upwards towards your shoulders, while keeping your upper arms stationary.
  • Continue curling until your biceps are fully contracted and the resistance band is at shoulder level.
  • Hold the contraction for a brief moment, focusing on squeezing your biceps.
  • Slowly lower the resistance band back to the starting position, fully extending your arms.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the movement to target the biceps effectively.
  • Engage your core to stabilize your body and avoid swinging during the exercise.
  • Use a resistance band with an appropriate level of tension to make the exercise challenging but manageable.
  • Control the movement both on the way up and on the way down to engage the muscles fully.
  • Incorporate proper breathing techniques by exhaling as you curl the band towards your shoulders.
  • Gradually increase the resistance or tension of the band as your strength improves.
  • Perform a full range of motion by fully extending your arms at the bottom of the movement and squeezing your biceps at the top.
  • Combine the Band Kneeling Preacher Curl with other exercises to create a well-rounded bicep workout.
  • Allow for adequate rest and recovery between sets to optimize muscle growth and prevent injury.
  • Fuel your body with a balanced diet to provide the necessary nutrients for muscle repair and growth.


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