Band Overhead Single Arm Triceps Extension

Band Overhead Single Arm Triceps Extension

The Band Overhead Single Arm Triceps Extension is a fantastic exercise that targets and tones the triceps muscles located at the back of the upper arms. This exercise is perfect for individuals who want to strengthen and define their arms without the need for heavy weights or gym equipment. To perform the Band Overhead Single Arm Triceps Extension, you will need a resistance band. Begin by grasping the band with one hand and stepping on the other end with your opposite foot. Stand tall with your core engaged and feet shoulder-width apart. Next, raise your arm overhead, keeping it close to your ear and fully extending it. This is your starting position. Slowly bend your elbow, allowing the band to stretch and your hand to lower towards the back of your head. Keep your upper arm stationary throughout the movement. Once your forearm is parallel to the ground, pause momentarily, and then return to the starting position by extending your elbow. Performing the Band Overhead Single Arm Triceps Extension not only increases muscle strength and definition in the triceps but also helps improve overall stability and mobility in the shoulders. Adding this exercise to your routine can enhance your upper body strength, making daily activities such as lifting, pushing, and carrying easier. Remember to start with a resistance band that matches your fitness level. As your strength improves, you can progress to a band with higher resistance. Aim for 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions on each arm, gradually increasing the intensity and repetitions as you become more comfortable with the exercise. Incorporating the Band Overhead Single Arm Triceps Extension into your regular workout routine can help you achieve sculpted, toned arms and boost your overall upper body strength. However, remember to consult with a fitness professional or a physician before starting any new exercise regimen to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your individual needs.


  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place one end of a resistance band underneath your left foot.
  • Hold the other end of the band with your left hand and bring your left arm overhead, keeping your elbow close to your head.
  • Keep your core engaged and your back straight throughout the exercise.
  • Extend your left arm straight up towards the ceiling, contracting your triceps.
  • Slowly bend your elbow and lower the band back to the starting position, keeping your upper arm still.
  • Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions and then switch sides.

Tips & Tricks

  • Make sure to choose a resistance band that provides enough tension to challenge your triceps muscles.
  • Engage your core and maintain proper posture throughout the exercise to maximize effectiveness and prevent injury.
  • Start with a lighter resistance band and gradually increase the tension as your triceps strength improves.
  • Focus on slow and controlled movements, emphasizing the contraction of the triceps at the top of the exercise.
  • Don't rush through the exercise – aim for a full range of motion and feel the stretch and contraction in your triceps muscles.
  • Incorporate this exercise into a balanced triceps workout routine that includes other exercises targeting different triceps heads.
  • Include adequate rest days in your workout schedule to allow your triceps and other muscles to recover and grow.
  • Stay consistent with your workouts and gradually increase the intensity or resistance over time to continue challenging your triceps muscles.
  • Pair this exercise with proper nutrition, including enough protein, to support muscle growth and recovery.
  • Listen to your body and adjust the resistance or the range of motion according to your fitness level and any physical limitations.


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