Bicycle Crunch

Bicycle Crunch

The Bicycle Crunch is a highly effective abdominal exercise that targets not only your six-pack muscles (rectus abdominis) but also engages your obliques and hip flexors. This dynamic and challenging exercise mimics the motion of pedaling a bicycle, hence the name. By incorporating this exercise into your fitness routine, you can strengthen and tone your core while also improving your overall balance and stability. The Bicycle Crunch involves lying flat on your back with your hands gently supporting your head. Begin by bringing your knees toward your chest while simultaneously lifting your shoulders off the ground. As you do this, straighten your right leg out so it is parallel to the ground and simultaneously twist your body to the left, aiming to bring your right elbow toward your left knee. Repeat the same action on the opposite side, straightening your left leg while twisting to the right. By alternating sides in a controlled and continuous manner, you create a twisting motion that intensifies the activation of your abdominal muscles. To make the Bicycle Crunch even more challenging, you can increase the range of motion by extending your legs further or by holding a weight plate across your chest. Incorporating the Bicycle Crunch into your workout routine can contribute to a stronger core, improved posture, and enhanced athletic performance. Remember to focus on proper form and engage your abs throughout the exercise for maximum benefit. So hop on your imaginary bicycle and let those abs pedal you toward a stronger and fitter body!


  • Start by lying flat on your back on a mat or a comfortable surface.
  • Bend your knees and lift your feet off the ground until your thighs are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Place your hands lightly behind your head, without pulling on your neck.
  • Exhale as you engage your core muscles to lift your head, neck, and shoulder blades off the ground.
  • Simultaneously, bring your right elbow towards your left knee, while straightening your right leg.
  • Lower your right shoulder and left leg back down to the starting position while inhaling.
  • Repeat the same movement on the opposite side, bringing your left elbow towards your right knee.
  • Continue alternating sides in a pedaling motion, as if you are riding a bicycle.
  • Make sure to maintain a steady, controlled movement and keep your core muscles engaged throughout the exercise.
  • Perform the desired number of repetitions or time duration for your workout.

Tips & Tricks

  • Engage your core throughout the entire exercise for maximum effectiveness.
  • Perform the bicycle crunch in a slow and controlled manner to ensure proper form.
  • Focus on your breathing by exhaling as you twist your torso and inhaling as you extend your legs.
  • To increase difficulty, try holding a medicine ball or dumbbell in your hands while performing the exercise.
  • Vary the tempo of your bicycle crunches to challenge your muscles in different ways.
  • Alternate the direction of your twists to target different areas of your abs.
  • Don't strain your neck or pull on it with your hands - use your core to lift your upper body.
  • Ensure proper alignment by keeping your lower back flat against the floor throughout the exercise.
  • For a more intense workout, try incorporating bicycle crunches into a circuit routine with other abdominal exercises.
  • Stay consistent with your training and gradually increase the number of repetitions and sets over time.


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