The Dumbbell Shoulder Workout

Gym | Single Workout | Intermediate: 4 exercises

This advanced dumbbell shoulder workout is designed to help you build strong and defined shoulders. The workout consists of four sets of exercises targeting different parts of the shoulder muscles. The first superset includes dumbbell seated shoulder press and dumbbell standing alternate vertical front raises. The seated shoulder press is a great compound movement that activates the entire shoulder region, while the standing alternate vertical front raises target the front deltoids. The second superset comprises of dumbbell lateral raises and dumbbell rear lateral raises, which focus on the side and rear deltoids respectively. Aim to perform 20, 15, 12, and 12 reps for each exercise, gradually increasing the weight as you decrease the reps. It's important to maintain good form throughout the workout to maximize shoulder engagement and minimize the risk of injury. Remember to warm up your shoulder muscles before starting and to cool down and stretch them after the workout. With dedication and consistency, this shoulder workout can help you elevate your fitness and sculpt strong, well-defined shoulders.

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