10-Minute HIIT Core Workout: Ultimate Abdominal Blast

Home | Single Workout | Intermediate: 10 exercises

If you're looking for a quick yet effective way to build core strength and define your abs, this 10-minute HIIT workout is the perfect solution. You'll work through a series of exercises with a 10-second preparation time, 40 seconds of intense effort, and 20 seconds of rest. Each move targets different areas of your core, enhancing both strength and endurance. The workout consists of one round of ten exercises, allowing you to maximize your workout in a short period of time. Read on to find out more about each exercise and its benefits.

We start with Floor Crunches, a classic move to activate your upper abs. Keeping your movements controlled and focusing on the contraction will ensure you're making the most of each rep.

Next, transition into Lying Leg Lifts with Hip Raise. This exercise engages your lower abdominal muscles and adds an extra challenge with the hip raise, targeting deep core stabilization.

Then we move to the 90 Degree Heel Touch, which focuses on targeting your oblique muscles and enhancing lateral core stability.

The 3/4 Sit-up follows, providing an intermediate challenge between a crunch and a full sit-up, working your upper abs and hip flexors.

Switch to 90 Degree Alternate Heel Touch for another oblique-focused exercise, helping to sculpt the sides of your core.

Alternate Leg Raises continue the lower abdominal focus, also improving hip flexor strength.

Air Twisting Crunches introduce a rotational component, further engaging your obliques and upper abs effectively.

Next up is Lying Bottoms Up, a controlled movement that targets the lower abs and adds a balance challenge. Focus on lifting your hips and contracting your core.

Follow this with Seated In Out Leg Raise on the Floor, which targets your entire abdominal area while also testing your balance and coordination.

Finally, finish strong with Criss Cross Leg Raises, a dynamic move that incorporates both your upper and lower abs through the scissoring motion of your legs.

This workout is quick yet intense, making it an excellent choice for those short on time but looking to see significant results. Remember to stay hydrated, maintain proper form, and listen to your body throughout the routine.

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