Maximize Arm Strength: Resistance Band Biceps and Triceps Workout

Gym | Single Workout | Beginner: 4 exercises

This arm-focused workout using resistance bands is designed to build strength and definition in your biceps and triceps. It begins with the Band Close Grip Biceps Curl to effectively target the inner biceps and promote muscle growth with four sets of fifteen repetitions. This movement not only works the biceps but also engages the forearms through the squeezing motion required to grip the band closely.

The workout then transitions into Band Pushdowns for four sets of fifteen reps to target the triceps, particularly the lateral head, which contributes to the 'horseshoe' appearance. It's essential to keep your elbows pinned at your side during this exercise to ensure maximum effectiveness and isolation of the triceps muscles.

Next, we have the Band Concentration Curl, a precision exercise aiming for the peak contraction of the biceps muscle. Performed for four sets of fifteen reps, this exercise will help in sculpting the bicep ‘peak’ and enhance arm definition.

To finish off, the Band Overhead Single Arm Triceps Extension, completed in four sets of fifteen reps for each arm, emphasizes the long head of the triceps, contributing to overall triceps mass. Ensuring a full extension at the top of the movement is crucial for optimal muscle engagement. Throughout this workout, maintain a controlled tempo and avoid using momentum; let your biceps and triceps do the work. Remember to hydrate and rest adequately between sets.

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  • #Exercise / Sets
    1Band Close Grip Biceps Curl4 sets • 15 reps
    Band Close Grip Biceps Curl
    2Band Pushdown4 sets • 15 reps
    Band Pushdown
    3Band Concentration Curl4 sets • 15 reps
    Band Concentration Curl
    4Band Overhead Single Arm Triceps Extension4 sets • 15 reps
    Band Overhead Single Arm Triceps Extension
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