Barbell Reverse Grip Skullcrusher

Barbell Reverse Grip Skullcrusher

The Barbell Reverse Grip Skullcrusher is an effective exercise that targets the triceps muscles. This compound movement is commonly performed with a barbell, and it is a variation of the traditional skullcrusher exercise. By using a reverse grip, you can put a greater emphasis on the long head of the triceps, helping you to develop strength and size in this muscle group. During the Barbell Reverse Grip Skullcrusher, you lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor, holding a barbell with a reverse grip. The reverse grip involves placing your palms facing towards your face, which helps to engage the triceps in a slightly different manner compared to the traditional grip. Keeping your elbows tucked in and your upper arms stationary, you slowly lower the barbell towards your forehead until your forearms are parallel to the floor. Then, exhale and push the barbell back up to the starting position, focusing on contracting the triceps throughout the movement. This exercise not only helps to target and strengthen the triceps but also engages the shoulders and the chest to a lesser extent. By incorporating the Barbell Reverse Grip Skullcrusher into your workout routine, you can improve your arm strength and enhance your overall upper body development. Remember to always use proper form and start with lighter weights to ensure safety and maximize the benefits of this exercise.


  • Start by lying flat on a bench, holding a barbell with a reverse grip, wrists facing towards you.
  • Extend your arms straight up over your chest, keeping your elbows slightly bent.
  • Slowly lower the barbell towards your forehead by bending your elbows, keeping your upper arms stationary.
  • Pause for a brief moment at the bottom position, feeling the stretch in your triceps.
  • Using only your triceps, extend your arms back up to the starting position, fully straightening your elbows.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, focusing on maintaining proper form and control throughout the movement.
  • Remember to breathe steadily throughout the exercise, inhaling during the eccentric phase and exhaling during the concentric phase.

Tips & Tricks

  • Use a spotter when lifting heavy weights to ensure safety.
  • Maintain proper form throughout the exercise to target the triceps effectively.
  • Start with a weight that challenges you but allows for proper technique.
  • Engage your core muscles and keep your back flat against the bench.
  • Control the movement by lowering the weight slowly and exploding it back up.
  • Breathe in as you lower the barbell and exhale as you extend your arms.
  • Avoid jerking or swinging the weight to prevent strain or injury.
  • Include this exercise in your tricep workout routine to build strength and muscle.
  • Progressively increase the weight as you become comfortable with the movement.
  • Allow sufficient rest and recovery time between sets and workouts.


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