Biceps Leg Concentration Curl

Biceps Leg Concentration Curl

The Biceps Leg Concentration Curl is a compound exercise that targets both the biceps muscles in your arms and the muscles in your legs. This exercise is a variation of the traditional concentration curl, which isolates the biceps, and adds an extra challenge by incorporating leg movements. By intertwining the arms and legs in this exercise, you engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, resulting in a more efficient workout. The Biceps Leg Concentration Curl primarily focuses on building and strengthening your biceps muscles. These muscles play a crucial role in everyday activities such as lifting objects, pulling, and bending. By performing this exercise regularly, you can expect improved strength, endurance, and overall tone in your biceps region. Additionally, the inclusion of leg movements in this variation adds an extra dimension to the exercise. As you curl the weights, the leg movements provide a stabilization challenge, forcing your core muscles to engage and work harder. This, in turn, helps to improve your balance, stability, and overall coordination. To incorporate the Biceps Leg Concentration Curl into your workout routine, it is important to choose an appropriate weight based on your fitness level and goals. Remember to maintain proper form throughout the exercise, focusing on smooth and controlled motions. By adding this exercise to your training regimen, you can effectively target your biceps muscles while enjoying the added benefits of engaging your legs, core, and stability muscles.


  • Start by sitting on a bench with your legs spread apart and feet flat on the floor.
  • Pick up a dumbbell with your right hand and place the back of your upper arm against the inside of your right thigh, just above your knee.
  • Your arm should be fully extended down, perpendicular to the floor.
  • While keeping your upper arm stationary, curl the dumbbell as you exhale and contract your biceps.
  • Continue curling the weight up until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbell is at shoulder level.
  • Pause for a brief moment as you squeeze your biceps.
  • Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions and then switch arms to perform the exercise with the left arm.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on proper form and technique to effectively isolate the biceps and engage the leg muscles.
  • Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable and stronger.
  • For best results, perform the exercise in a controlled manner, avoiding any swinging or momentum.
  • Incorporate a full range of motion by fully extending your arms during the curl and squeezing your biceps at the top of the movement.
  • Engage your core muscles and maintain good posture throughout the exercise to prevent any strain on your lower back.
  • Ensure that you are breathing properly throughout the movement, exhaling as you curl the weight up and inhaling as you lower it down.
  • Experiment with different hand positions and grips to target different areas of the biceps.
  • Don't neglect the importance of nutrition - consume a balanced diet with sufficient protein to support muscle growth and recovery.
  • Include other exercises that target the biceps and legs in your workout routine for overall development and balance.
  • Listen to your body and rest when needed. Overtraining can hinder progress and increase the risk of injury.


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