Roll Side Lat Stretch

Roll Side Lat Stretch

The Roll Side Lat Stretch is a fantastic exercise that targets the muscles of the upper body, particularly the latissimus dorsi (commonly known as lats). It is a dynamic stretch that helps increase flexibility and improves the range of motion in your shoulders and back. This exercise is perfect for anyone looking to release tension in their upper body after a long day or intense workout. To perform the Roll Side Lat Stretch, you start by lying on your side on a mat or a comfortable surface. Keep your legs straight and stacked on top of each other. Place your bottom arm straight out in front of you, with your palm facing down. Bend your top arm at the elbow and place your hand on the mat in front of your chest. From this position, gently push through your top hand and roll onto your shoulder blades. Keep your legs stacked and allow your top arm to bend as you roll onto your back. As you roll, focus on stretching your side body and feeling the deep stretch in your lats. Hold this position for a few seconds, and then slowly roll back onto your side to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. The Roll Side Lat Stretch not only targets the lats but also engages the muscles of the core, chest, and shoulders. By incorporating this exercise into your routine, you can help improve your posture, reduce muscle imbalances, and alleviate any tightness or discomfort in the upper body. Remember to perform this stretch with control and listen to your body's limitations. Take deep breaths throughout the movement to maximize the stretch and promote relaxation. Incorporating the Roll Side Lat Stretch into your regular stretching routine can lead to improved flexibility, reduced risk of injury, and enhanced overall athletic performance. So go ahead and give it a try!


  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
  • Interlace your fingers and extend your arms overhead, palms facing upward.
  • Slowly bend your upper body to one side, engaging your core and feeling a stretch along the opposite side of your torso.
  • Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, while breathing deeply.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the stretch on the opposite side.
  • Continue alternating sides for a total of 2-3 sets.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on activating your lat muscles by engaging and squeezing them during the stretch.
  • Inhale deeply and exhale as you reach further into the stretch to enhance flexibility and relaxation.
  • Start with a lighter intensity stretch and gradually increase the depth of the roll as your muscles loosen up.
  • Ensure proper posture by keeping your spine elongated and avoiding slouching or rounding of the shoulders.
  • Maintain a consistent and controlled momentum throughout the exercise to avoid any jerky or sudden movements.
  • Listen to your body and adjust the pressure and range of motion based on your comfort level and flexibility.
  • Perform the roll side lat stretch after a workout or as a part of your warm-up routine to improve mobility and prevent injuries.
  • Include dynamic stretches or mobility exercises targeting the lats and surrounding muscles to further enhance flexibility and range of motion.
  • Combine the roll side lat stretch with other upper body stretches to achieve a well-rounded stretching routine.
  • Stay consistent with your stretching routine to see long-term improvements in flexibility and overall exercise performance.


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