Power Sled Rear Lunge

Power Sled Rear Lunge

The Power Sled Rear Lunge is a challenging and highly effective exercise that targets multiple muscles in your lower body. This exercise combines the benefits of lunges with the added resistance and stability challenge of pushing a weighted sled. It is a favorite among athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike for building strength, power, and overall lower body stability. During the Power Sled Rear Lunge, you will be stepping back into a lunge position while simultaneously pushing a sled loaded with weight plates. This movement engages your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, helping to strengthen and tone these muscle groups. Additionally, the stabilizing muscles in your core and lower back are also activated as you work to maintain balance and control while pushing the sled. The added resistance from the sled allows for an increased challenge, forcing your muscles to work even harder. By combining the lunge motion with the sled push, you are also developing explosive power and speed, key attributes for many sports and athletic activities. To optimize the benefits of the Power Sled Rear Lunge, it is important to use proper form and technique. Keep your chest lifted, shoulders back, and core engaged throughout the movement. Focus on pushing through your front heel as you return to a standing position and repeat the exercise on the opposite leg. Adding the Power Sled Rear Lunge to your workout routine can help improve your lower body strength, power, and stability, making it a valuable addition to any fitness regimen. As always, start with lighter loads and gradually increase the weight as you gain strength and familiarity with the exercise. Remember to consult with a fitness professional or trainer to ensure proper form and technique.


  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, facing away from the power sled.
  • Attach a sled to a waist belt and position it behind you.
  • Step one foot backward, keeping your chest up and core engaged.
  • Bend both knees until your back knee hovers just above the ground.
  • Push through your front heel to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement with the opposite leg.
  • Continue alternating legs for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on maintaining a tall and stable posture throughout the exercise.
  • Engage your core muscles to add stability and control to the movement.
  • Start with a lighter weight on the sled and gradually increase the load as your strength improves.
  • Control the speed and range of motion during the lunge to ensure proper form and prevent injury.
  • Perform the exercise on a smooth and even surface to allow the sled to move smoothly.
  • Warm up properly before performing the power sled rear lunge to prepare your muscles for the workout.
  • Incorporate variations such as adding a twist or raising your arms overhead to challenge your balance and engage more muscle groups.
  • Listen to your body and adjust the intensity or weight as needed to avoid overexertion or strain.
  • Include stretching exercises for the hip flexors, quadriceps, and glutes to maintain flexibility and prevent muscle imbalances.
  • Stay consistent with your training regimen to see improvements in strength, endurance, and overall performance.


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