Cable One Arm Pulldown

Cable One Arm Pulldown

The Cable One Arm Pulldown is a fantastic exercise that targets the muscles in your back, specifically the latissimus dorsi, also known as the lats. This exercise is performed using a cable machine, which allows for a smooth and controlled movement. It is a unilateral exercise, meaning it works one side of your body at a time, helping to correct muscle imbalances and improve overall symmetry. By engaging the lats, the Cable One Arm Pulldown helps to strengthen the muscles responsible for pulling movements. This can contribute to better posture, enhanced upper body strength, and improved athletic performance. Additionally, strong lats can assist in preventing shoulder injuries and promoting a healthy shoulder joint. When performing the Cable One Arm Pulldown, it is crucial to focus on proper form and technique. Understanding the mind-muscle connection is important during this exercise to ensure you are engaging the correct muscles while minimizing strain on other areas. It's essential to maintain a strong core and stable body position throughout the movement. Incorporating the Cable One Arm Pulldown into your workout routine can bring about noticeable improvements in your upper body strength and aesthetics. Remember, consistently challenging yourself with proper weight and form is key to seeing progress. Remember to start with a weight that allows you to complete the desired number of reps with good form, gradually increasing the resistance as you become more comfortable and stronger over time.


  • Start by attaching a single handle to a high pulley on a cable machine.
  • Stand facing the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees.
  • Grasp the handle with an overhand grip and extend your arm straight in front of you, keeping your elbow slightly bent.
  • Engage your core, keep your back straight, and pull the handle down towards your side while keeping your upper arm stationary.
  • Squeeze your back muscles and pause for a moment when your hand reaches your side.
  • Slowly return to the starting position by extending your arm back up.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and then switch sides to work your other arm.

Tips & Tricks

  • Ensure proper form and technique is maintained throughout the exercise to maximize results and prevent injury.
  • Gradually increase the weight/resistance as you get stronger to continually challenge your muscles.
  • Incorporate a variety of grips such as underhand, overhand, or neutral grip to target different muscles in the back.
  • Engage and activate your core muscles by maintaining a neutral spine and avoiding excessive swinging or jerking movements.
  • Perform the exercise in a controlled manner, focusing on the negative (eccentric) portion of the movement for increased muscle activation.
  • Maintain a steady breathing pattern, exhaling as you pull the cable down and inhaling as you return to the starting position.
  • Use slow and controlled repetitions to keep tension on the targeted muscles throughout the entire movement.
  • Add variety to your workout routine by alternating between using one arm at a time and performing bilateral (both arms) cable pulldowns.
  • Incorporate other exercises that target similar muscle groups, such as lat pulldowns or rows, to further enhance back strength and development.
  • Ensure proper nutrition and sufficient protein intake to support muscle recovery and growth for optimal results.


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