Lying Leg Lift with Hip Raise

Lying Leg Lift with Hip Raise

The Lying Leg Lift with Hip Raise is a challenging exercise that targets the lower abdominal muscles, hip flexors, and glutes. It is a great way to strengthen your core and improve stability in your lower body. This exercise is often described as a combination of leg lifts and hip raises, making it a dynamic and effective workout. To perform the Lying Leg Lift with Hip Raise, you start by lying flat on your back on the floor with your legs extended and arms by your side. Engage your core muscles by pressing your lower back into the floor. Next, lift both legs straight up toward the ceiling, keeping them straight and together. As you raise your legs, lift your hips off the floor, creating a gentle curve in your lower back. Pause for a moment at the top, then slowly lower your hips and legs back down to the starting position. It is important to maintain control throughout the movement and avoid arching your back excessively. Focus on using your abdominal muscles to lift your legs and engage your glutes to raise your hips. Keep your breathing steady and exhale as you lift your legs and hips, inhaling as you lower them back down. The Lying Leg Lift with Hip Raise can be modified to suit different fitness levels by bending your knees or performing the exercise on an incline bench. Remember to start with a weight and intensity that challenge you without compromising proper form. Incorporating this exercise into your routine can help you strengthen your core, improve posture, and enhance overall athletic performance.

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  • Lie flat on your back on a comfortable mat or exercise bench.
  • Extend both legs straight out in front of you and place your hands palms-down by your sides or underneath your glutes for support.
  • Engage your core and squeeze your glutes as you lift your legs off the ground, keeping them as straight as possible.
  • Continue lifting your legs until they are perpendicular to the ground or until you feel a slight stretch in your hamstrings. Be careful not to allow your lower back to arch excessively.
  • At the top of the movement, pause briefly and squeeze your glutes before lowering your legs back down slowly and with control.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions or as recommended by your fitness trainer.
  • Remember to breathe steadily throughout the exercise, exhaling as you lift your legs and inhaling as you lower them.
  • Focus on maintaining proper form and avoid any jerky or swinging motions.
  • To increase the difficulty, you can add ankle weights or perform the exercise on an inclined bench.
  • If you feel any discomfort or pain during the exercise, stop immediately and consult a fitness professional.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on engaging your abdominals and glutes throughout the entire movement.
  • Control your breathing and exhale as you lift your legs and hips off the ground.
  • Keep your back flat and avoid arching or rounding your spine.
  • Start with small lifts and gradually increase the range of motion as your strength improves.
  • To make it more challenging, hold a dumbbell or medicine ball between your feet.
  • Take short breaks between each set to allow your muscles to recover and prevent fatigue.
  • Incorporate variations such as side leg lifts or single leg lifts to target different muscle groups.
  • Ensure proper form by performing the exercise in front of a mirror or recording yourself to make necessary adjustments.
  • Pay attention to your hip alignment and avoid letting one hip drop lower than the other.
  • Regulate the intensity by adjusting the number of repetitions and sets based on your fitness level.


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