Cable Kneeling One Arm Lat Pulldown

Cable Kneeling One Arm Lat Pulldown

The Cable Kneeling One Arm Lat Pulldown is a fantastic exercise that targets your back muscles and helps you achieve a strong and well-defined upper body. It is particularly effective at isolating the latissimus dorsi muscle, commonly referred to as the "lats," which are responsible for pulling movements, such as pull-ups and rows. By performing this exercise, you can enhance your pulling strength, improve posture, and develop a balanced physique. During the Cable Kneeling One Arm Lat Pulldown, you'll be using a cable machine. This versatile equipment allows you to adjust the weight resistance according to your fitness level. By kneeling and using one arm at a time, you'll engage your core muscles to stabilize your body and prevent excessive movement while focusing on the targeted muscles. This exercise primarily involves retracting your shoulder blade and pulling the handle down towards your side, mimicking the action of a traditional lat pulldown. By maintaining proper form and controlled movement, you can fully engage the lat muscle fibers, leading to increased strength and muscle growth over time. Incorporating the Cable Kneeling One Arm Lat Pulldown into your workout routine can help bring variety and challenge to your back training. Remember to start with a weight that you can comfortably manage, and gradually increase the resistance as you progress. As always, prioritize proper form and technique to maximize the effectiveness of this exercise.


  • Start by setting the cable pulley at a high position and attaching a single handle.
  • Kneel in front of the cable machine, facing away from it, with your knees hip-width apart and your glutes resting on your heels.
  • Grasp the handle with an overhand grip and extend your arm fully, keeping a slight bend in the elbow.
  • Pull the handle down towards your side, bringing your elbow down and back.
  • Squeeze your lat muscles at the bottom of the movement.
  • Slowly return to the starting position, keeping tension on your lat muscles throughout.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and then switch sides.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on proper form and technique to maximize muscle activation.
  • Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.
  • Control the movement by using a slow and controlled tempo.
  • Vary your grip positions (pronated, supinated, neutral) to target different areas of the back muscles.
  • Use a weight that challenges you while still allowing you to maintain proper form.
  • Incorporate progressive overload by gradually increasing the weight or reps over time.
  • Practice mind-muscle connection by consciously contracting your lat muscles during each repetition.
  • Ensure that your shoulder is stabilized and avoid shrugging during the movement.
  • Breathe steadily throughout the exercise, inhaling on the eccentric phase and exhaling on the concentric phase.
  • Consider adding a pause at the bottom of the movement to further engage the target muscles.


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