Single Leg Calf Raise Off Step

Single Leg Calf Raise Off Step

The Single Leg Calf Raise Off Step is a dynamic exercise that targets the calf muscles and helps to improve balance and stability. By performing this exercise unilaterally, you can identify any muscle imbalances or weaknesses between your left and right legs, allowing you to work on correcting them. To execute this exercise, you will need a step or an elevated platform that allows you to comfortably position the ball of your foot on the edge while keeping your heel in mid-air. Begin by standing tall with one foot positioned on the step and the other foot suspended in the air. Engage your core for stability and maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement. Then, simply raise your heel of the foot on the edge of the step as high as possible, focusing on using the muscles in your calf to lift your body weight. Pause briefly at the top of the movement before slowly lowering your heel back down to the starting position in a controlled manner. To intensify the exercise, you can hold dumbbells in your hands or wear a weight vest. Alternatively, if you find it too challenging to perform on one leg, you can use your other foot for support by lightly tapping it on the ground for balance. Remember to prioritize proper form over the number of repetitions. Aim for 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions per leg, gradually increasing the difficulty or resistance as you get stronger. As with any exercise, it's important to listen to your body and avoid overexertion or discomfort. Enjoy the benefits of toned calves and improved lower body stability with this effective Single Leg Calf Raise Off Step exercise!


  • Stand on the edge of a step or a sturdy elevated surface, with the balls of your feet on the edge and your heels hanging off.
  • Place one foot slightly in front of the other, keeping your toes pointing forward.
  • Engage your core and keep your upper body straight.
  • Slowly rise up onto the balls of your feet, lifting your heels as high as possible.
  • Hold the raised position for a brief moment while squeezing your calf muscles.
  • Lower your heels back down, allowing them to gently stretch the calves.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Switch to the opposite leg and perform the same number of repetitions.
  • Focus on maintaining stability throughout the exercise and avoid using excessive momentum.

Tips & Tricks

  • Start with a low step or platform to perform the exercise.
  • Focus on maintaining balance throughout the movement.
  • Engage your core muscles to stabilize your body.
  • Keep your back straight, and avoid rounding or arching it.
  • Exhale as you push up onto your toes, and inhale as you lower back down.
  • Contract your calf muscles at the top of the movement for an extra challenge.
  • Maintain a slow and controlled pace to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Gradually increase the height of the step as you progress in strength and stability.
  • Alternate which leg is performing the exercise to ensure equal development.
  • Consider using additional resistance such as dumbbells or a weighted vest once the exercise becomes easier.


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