High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Full-Body Workout: 5-Minute Bodyweight Blast

Home | Single Workout | Beginner: 5 exercises

Welcome to a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout designed to give you a full-body burn in just 5 minutes. This workout consists of five bodyweight exercises focusing on building strength and increasing cardiovascular endurance. Prepare to work hard and see results fast with this efficient and effective routine. Before we begin, remember that each exercise involves 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest. All right, let’s get started! Warm up with a quick 10-second preparation time. Here's a breakdown of the exercises included in this workout:

"Alternate Heel Touches" are your first exercise. This movement targets your obliques and helps enhance your core stability. Keeping your back flat on the mat, alternate touching each heel to engage the side muscles of your abdomen.

Next up, the "Air Bike" exercise. This classic core move primarily works your abdominals and hips. Ensure to keep a steady pace and engage your core for maximum efficacy.

Following the Air Bike, we have "Bent Legs Half Wipers". With this exercise, you’ll focus on obliques and lower abdominal muscles. Keep your legs bent at a 90-degree angle and slowly rotate them from side to side.

Moving on to "Russian Twists", another excellent waist-whittling move, concentrate on controlled movements to twist your torso from side to side, engaging your entire core.

Finally, "Shoulder Taps" conclude the workout. This exercise will challenge your core and shoulders while helping improve stability. Keep a plank position and alternate tapping each shoulder with the opposite hand.

To wrap it up, take a 10-second recovery to cool down. Completing all exercises wraps up the 5-minute session. Repeat this routine as desired to build your strength and cardio endurance over time. Consistency is key, so keep pushing and watch your fitness improve!

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