Cable Rope Hammer Curl

Cable Rope Hammer Curl

The Cable Rope Hammer Curl is an excellent bicep-focused exercise that specifically targets the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles, providing well-rounded development of the upper arm. By utilizing a cable machine equipped with a rope attachment, this exercise maintains constant tension on the muscles throughout the movement, making it highly effective for fostering muscle hypertrophy and strength. One of the key benefits of the Cable Rope Hammer Curl is its ability to promote balanced muscle growth between the biceps and forearms. Unlike traditional dumbbell curls, the neutral grip (palms facing each other) used in this exercise places less strain on the wrists and engages the forearms more intensively. This balanced muscle engagement helps build functional strength and can contribute to improved performance in other lifts and athletic activities. Additionally, the Cable Rope Hammer Curl is praised for its versatility and accessibility. Whether you're a beginner looking to build foundational strength or an advanced lifter aiming to fine-tune your physique, the adjustable weight stacks on the cable machine make it easy to modify resistance levels to meet your specific fitness goals. Incorporating this exercise into your routine can not only enhance your arm aesthetics but also support overall upper body strength and endurance.


  • Attach a rope handle to the low pulley of a cable machine.
  • Stand facing the machine and grasp both ends of the rope with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).
  • Step back slightly to create tension in the cable, and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your elbows close to your torso and your back straight.
  • Begin the movement by curling the rope upward, contracting your biceps as you bring the ends of the rope to shoulder level.
  • Hold the peak contraction for a moment, ensuring to squeeze the biceps tightly.
  • Slowly lower the rope back to the starting position, fully extending your arms.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining controlled movements throughout.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on maintaining a neutral wrist position throughout the movement to increase activation of the brachioradialis and avoid wrist strain.
  • Ensure that your elbows remain close to your torso to maximize bicep engagement and prevent shoulder involvement.
  • Adjust the cable height and select an appropriate weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form and full range of motion.
  • Engage your core to stabilize your body and prevent unnecessary swinging or using momentum.
  • Use a slow and controlled tempo, especially during the eccentric (lowering) phase, to enhance muscle tension and growth.
  • Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement to fully contract the muscles and boost muscle activation.
  • Avoid letting your shoulders roll forward or back; keep them in a stable, natural position to maintain proper alignment.
  • Incorporate varied grip widths and rope attachments periodically to target different areas of the biceps and avoid plateauing.
  • Include progressive overload by gradually increasing weight or number of repetitions as you become stronger.
  • Maintain a slight bend in your knees to support a stable and balanced posture throughout the exercise.


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