Lever Narrow Grip Seated Row (plate loaded)

Lever Narrow Grip Seated Row (plate loaded)

The Lever Narrow Grip Seated Row (plate loaded) is a compound exercise that primarily targets the muscles of the upper back, including the rhomboids, trapezius, and rear deltoids. This exercise is performed on a plate-loaded machine that allows for a more controlled movement, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts. The seated position in this exercise helps to stabilize the torso and isolate the target muscles effectively. By using a narrow grip, you engage the inner back muscles more intensely, promoting better posture and overall upper body strength. As you pull the handles towards your body, focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together to maximize the contraction in your upper back muscles. The Lever Narrow Grip Seated Row also engages the biceps, forearms, and grip strength to a lesser extent, making it a great exercise for overall upper body development. It can be incorporated into your back or upper body workout routine to improve strength and muscular endurance. As with any exercise, it's important to maintain proper form throughout the movement. Ensure that your back is straight, shoulders are relaxed, and you are pulling with your back muscles rather than using your arms excessively. Remember to start with lighter loads, gradually increasing the weight as your strength improves to avoid strain or injury. When performed correctly and consistently, the Lever Narrow Grip Seated Row (plate loaded) can contribute to a well-rounded upper body workout, promoting a stronger back and better posture.


  • Begin by sitting on the lever narrow grip seated row machine.
  • Adjust the seat height so that your feet are flat on the footrests.
  • Place your hands on the narrow grip handles with your palms facing each other.
  • Keep your back straight and your chest up throughout the exercise.
  • Initiate the movement by pulling the handles towards your torso, squeezing your shoulder blades together as you do so.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body and your wrists straight throughout the movement.
  • Pause for a moment at the peak of the contraction, feeling the squeeze in your back muscles.
  • Slowly extend your arms back to the starting position, fully stretching your back muscles.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Remember to breathe throughout the exercise, exhaling as you pull the handles towards you and inhaling as you return to the starting position.

Tips & Tricks

  • Always maintain proper form and technique throughout the exercise to target the back muscles effectively.
  • Engage your core muscles by pulling your belly button towards your spine during the movement.
  • Start with a weight that allows you to comfortably complete 8-12 repetitions with proper form.
  • Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together as you pull the handles towards your body.
  • Control the weight throughout the full range of motion and avoid using momentum to move the weight.
  • Exhale as you pull the handles towards your body and inhale as you return to the starting position.
  • Vary your grip width to target different areas of your back - try using a wider grip or a neutral grip.
  • Gradually increase the weight over time to continue challenging your muscles and promoting growth.
  • Include the Lever Narrow Grip Seated Row as part of a well-rounded back workout routine for balanced strength development.
  • Prioritize quality over quantity - focus on feeling the muscles working rather than racing through the sets.


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