Lever Seated Crunch (hands pad)

Lever Seated Crunch (hands pad)

The Lever Seated Crunch with hands pad is an effective core exercise that targets your abdominal muscles, helping to strengthen and define your midsection. This exercise is commonly performed on a lever seated crunch machine, which provides stability and support throughout the movement. To perform the Lever Seated Crunch, you start by sitting on the machine with your feet securely hooked under the foot pads. Grasp the handles or pads provided with your hands and adjust the seat position so that your arms and shoulders are in a comfortable position. Maintaining proper form is crucial for maximum effectiveness and injury prevention. As you begin the movement, contract your abs and slowly lean back while keeping your back straight and your core engaged. Focus on using your abdominal muscles to initiate the movement. Exhale as you crunch forward, bringing your chest toward your knees while maintaining control and a slow, controlled pace. Avoid using any momentum or pulling with your arms during the exercise. By performing the Lever Seated Crunch regularly, you can strengthen your core, improve your posture, and potentially decrease lower back pain. However, it's important to remember to start with a weight or resistance that is appropriate for your fitness level and gradually increase as you become stronger. Always listen to your body and seek guidance from a fitness professional if you are unsure about proper form or modifications.

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  • Sit on a bench with your feet placed firmly on the ground and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Place your hands on the pad provided and grip it firmly.
  • Engage your core muscles by pulling your belly button in towards your spine.
  • Slowly lean back while maintaining the engagement of your core muscles.
  • Stop when your upper body is leaning back at about a 45-degree angle to the floor.
  • Exhale and use your abdominal muscles to curl your upper body forward, bringing your chest towards your knees.
  • Hold the contraction for a second and focus on squeezing your abs.
  • Inhale and slowly return to the starting position, maintaining control throughout the movement.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Remember to always perform this exercise with proper form and avoid straining your neck or back.

Tips & Tricks

  • Engage your core muscles throughout the entire movement for maximum effectiveness.
  • Focus on quality over quantity by performing controlled and deliberate repetitions.
  • Breathe out as you contract your abs and breathe in as you return to the starting position.
  • Use a comfortable range of motion that allows you to feel the contraction in your abdominal muscles without strain or discomfort.
  • To increase the intensity, hold a weight plate or dumbbell against your chest.
  • Maintain proper form by keeping your back straight and your head aligned with your spine.
  • Avoid using momentum or swinging your body during the exercise; the movement should come from your abdominal muscles.
  • Incorporate variations of the exercise, such as performing oblique twists or adding a stability ball for extra challenge.
  • Ensure your seat and foot pad are adjusted to the appropriate height to maintain proper alignment and stability.
  • Remember to stretch your abs after your workout to improve flexibility and reduce post-exercise soreness.


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