Weighted Russian Twist (VERSION 2)

Weighted Russian Twist (VERSION 2)

The Weighted Russian Twist (VERSION 2) is a challenging exercise that targets the core muscles, particularly the obliques. This variation is performed with added resistance, usually in the form of a dumbbell, kettlebell, or medicine ball, to increase the intensity and effectiveness of the exercise. To perform the Weighted Russian Twist (VERSION 2), you sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet either flat on the ground or elevated slightly for a more advanced version. Holding the weight in front of your chest, you lean back slightly to engage your abs and lift your feet off the ground. From this position, you rotate your torso from side to side, touching the weight to the ground on each side. The controlled twisting motion engages your obliques while also activating your rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and lower back muscles. Adding resistance to the Russian Twist helps to increase strength, stability, and muscle definition in the core muscles. It also improves rotational power and enhances athletic performance in sports that require twisting motions, such as golf, tennis, or baseball. Keep in mind that proper form is crucial to avoid straining the lower back or neck. Start with a lighter weight and gradually increase as your core strength improves. As with any exercise, it is important to listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain or discomfort. Incorporating the Weighted Russian Twist (VERSION 2) into your workout routine can be an excellent way to spice up your core training and take your fitness to the next level.


  • Start by sitting on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground, holding a weighted object (e.g. dumbbell or medicine ball) with both hands in front of your chest.
  • Lean slightly back while keeping your back straight, engaging your core muscles.
  • Slowly lift your feet off the floor, balancing on your glutes.
  • Twist your torso to the right side, bringing the weighted object towards the floor on the right side of your body.
  • Pause for a moment, then twist your torso to the left side, bringing the weighted object towards the floor on the left side of your body.
  • Continue twisting your torso from side to side in a controlled manner, focusing on engaging your core throughout the movement.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Engage your core throughout the entire exercise to maximize its effectiveness.
  • Start with a lighter weight and gradually increase the load as your strength and technique improve.
  • Maintain a controlled and steady movement, avoiding any jerking or swinging motions.
  • Keep your back straight and avoid rounding your shoulders to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Breathe deeply and exhale forcefully as you rotate, promoting better muscle activation and stabilizing your torso.
  • Focus on twisting from your waist, rather than from your arms or shoulders, to target the obliques effectively.
  • To add variety, you can perform the weighted Russian twist on an unstable surface like a Bosu ball to challenge your core stability.
  • If you experience any lower back discomfort, reduce the weight or range of motion until you can perform the exercise pain-free.
  • Add this exercise to a well-rounded core workout routine that includes exercises targeting different abdominal muscles.
  • Prioritize proper form and technique over the weight or speed of the exercise.


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