Barbell Squat Jump Step Rear Lunge

Barbell Squat Jump Step Rear Lunge

The Barbell Squat Jump Step Rear Lunge is a multi-joint exercise that targets the lower body, specifically the glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. This dynamic movement combines elements of the squat, jump, step, and rear lunge to provide a challenging workout for the legs and hips. Starting with the barbell across your upper back, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself down into a deep squat, keeping your chest up and your knees in line with your toes. Explosively jump up into the air, extending your hips and knees fully. As you land, immediately step back with one leg, lowering your body into a rear lunge position. Push off with the front leg and jump again, this time switching legs and landing in a rear lunge position with the opposite leg. Repeat the sequence for the desired number of reps. The Barbell Squat Jump Step Rear Lunge not only helps build strength and power in the lower body but also improves balance, coordination, and athleticism. It engages your fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are responsible for explosive movements, making it an excellent exercise for athletes or those looking to enhance their athletic performance. Additionally, this exercise has a cardiovascular component, helping to burn calories and improve cardiovascular fitness. As always, when performing this exercise, it is essential to use proper form and start with a weight that suits your fitness level. It is also advisable to warm up before attempting this exercise to prevent injury. Incorporate it into your leg day routine or full-body workout to challenge yourself and take your fitness to new heights. Remember to listen to your body and adjust the exercise intensity or modify the movement as needed.


  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out.
  • Hold a barbell across your upper back and shoulders, gripping it with an overhand grip.
  • Lower your body into a squat by bending at the hips and knees, keeping your chest lifted and your back straight.
  • When you reach the bottom of the squat, explosively jump up as high as possible.
  • While in the air, switch your foot positioning so that your rear foot becomes your front foot.
  • Land gently and with control, immediately lowering your body into a lunge position with your rear knee hovering just above the ground.
  • Push off with your front foot to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions on one side, then switch sides and perform the same number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • 1. Start with a proper warm-up to increase blood flow and flexibility.
  • 2. Focus on maintaining proper form and technique throughout the exercise.
  • 3. Progressively increase the weight to challenge your muscles and stimulate growth.
  • 4. Incorporate variations of the exercise to target different muscle groups and prevent plateaus.
  • 5. Use a spotter or safety bars when lifting heavy weights to ensure safety.
  • 6. Engage your core muscles to maintain stability and prevent lower back injuries.
  • 7. Allow for adequate rest and recovery between sets to optimize muscle growth.
  • 8. Incorporate other lower body exercises such as squats and lunges to improve overall leg strength.
  • 9. Consume a balanced diet with adequate protein to support muscle repair and growth.
  • 10. Adjust the tempo of your reps for added challenge and variation.


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