Smith Hex Press

Smith Hex Press

The Smith Hex Press is a compound exercise that primarily targets the muscles in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. This exercise involves using a Smith machine and a hex bar (also known as a trap or hexagonal bar). The hex bar is loaded with weight plates, and the bar rests on the safety stops of the Smith machine. To perform the Smith Hex Press, you'll start by positioning yourself inside the Smith machine. Grasp the handles of the hex bar at shoulder-width apart with a pronated (overhand) grip. Ensure that your back is straight, core engaged, and feet planted firmly on the ground. From this starting position, you'll push the bar upwards, extending your arms fully while maintaining control and stability throughout the movement. Gradually lower the bar back down to chest level, and repeat for the desired number of repetitions. The Smith Hex Press offers several benefits. Firstly, it allows for a greater range of motion compared to traditional bench press variations, which can help to engage more muscle fibers. Additionally, using the hex bar reduces stress on the wrists and elbows, making it a safer option for individuals with joint issues. Lastly, the Smith Hex Press promotes stability and balance since the movement is guided by the machine. Including the Smith Hex Press in your workout routine can contribute to the development of a stronger and more defined upper body. Remember to always start with a weight that challenges you, yet allows you to maintain proper form. As you progress, gradually increase the weight to continue challenging your muscles and promoting growth.


  • Start by adjusting the height of the Smith machine bar to chest level and loading the desired weight plates onto the bar.
  • Stand facing the Smith machine and position yourself underneath the bar with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Reach up and grip the bar with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower yourself down by bending at the elbows and bringing the bar towards your chest.
  • Keep your elbows out to the sides and your upper arms parallel to the floor.
  • Once the bar touches your chest, push it back up to the starting position by fully extending your arms.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on proper form and technique to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Gradually increase the weight as you get stronger and more comfortable with the movement.
  • Ensure that your back is firmly pressed against the bench throughout the entire exercise.
  • Engage your core muscles by maintaining a stable and braced position.
  • Control the weight during both the lifting and lowering phases for optimal muscle stimulation.
  • Avoid locking out your elbows at the top of the movement to maintain constant tension on the muscles.
  • Breathe evenly and maintain a steady rhythm throughout the set.
  • Listen to your body and adjust the weight or range of motion as needed to avoid excessive strain or discomfort.
  • Utilize a spotter when lifting heavy weights to ensure safety and prevent injury.
  • Incorporate proper warm-up and cool-down routines to prepare your muscles and prevent post-workout soreness.


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