Bent Over Twist

Bent Over Twist

The Bent Over Twist is a highly effective exercise that targets multiple muscle groups and helps to improve flexibility and core stability. This exercise primarily works the muscles of the back, hips, and abdominals. It involves twisting the upper body while maintaining a bent over position, which engages the obliques, lower back, and glute muscles. To perform this exercise, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and hinge at the hips to bend your upper body forward, keeping a slight bend in your knees. Your back should be flat and parallel to the ground. Place your hands behind your head and elbows out to the sides. It's essential to engage your core throughout the movement to stabilize your spine. From this starting position, twist your upper body to one side, aiming to bring your elbow towards the opposite knee while keeping your hips facing forward. Slowly return to the starting position and then twist to the other side. Repeat this movement for the desired number of repetitions. The Bent Over Twist can be done using bodyweight or with the addition of weights such as dumbbells or a medicine ball to increase resistance. It is a dynamic exercise that not only strengthens the muscles but also improves spinal mobility and enhances overall coordination. Incorporating the Bent Over Twist into your workout routine can help build a strong and stable core, improve posture, and increase rotational strength. Just remember to start with lighter weights and gradually progress as your strength and stability improve. Happy twisting!


  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing each other.
  • Bend forward from your hips, keeping your back straight and core engaged.
  • Lower the dumbbells towards the ground, allowing your arms to hang naturally.
  • Slowly twist your torso to the right, bringing the left dumbbell towards your right hip.
  • Hold this position for a brief pause, feeling a stretch in your oblique muscles.
  • Return to the starting position and then twist your torso to the left, bringing the right dumbbell towards your left hip.
  • Repeat this twisting motion for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Remember to exhale as you twist and inhale as you return to the starting position.
  • Focus on proper form and control throughout the exercise.
  • Adjust the weight of the dumbbells as needed to challenge yourself.

Tips & Tricks

  • Engage your core muscles throughout the exercise to maintain stability and control.
  • Focus on keeping your spine in a neutral position to avoid unnecessary strain on your lower back.
  • Gradually increase the weight or resistance used as you become comfortable with the exercise to continue challenging your muscles.
  • Ensure proper breathing throughout the movement, exhaling as you twist and inhaling as you return to the starting position.
  • Avoid jerking or using momentum to perform the twist, instead, focus on controlled and deliberate movements.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears to prevent tension buildup in the upper body.
  • Add variety to your Bent Over Twist routine by incorporating different hand positions or using resistance bands for added resistance.
  • Include regular stretching and mobility exercises to improve flexibility and range of motion in the spine and hips.
  • Practice proper form and technique to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise and minimize the risk of injury.
  • Consult with a fitness professional if you have any existing back, shoulder, or core-related issues before incorporating Bent Over Twists into your workout routine.


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