Seated Pull-up between Chairs

Seated Pull-up between Chairs

The Seated Pull-up between Chairs is a challenging upper body exercise that targets your back muscles, particularly the lats. The exercise is named after the equipment used: two chairs placed parallel to each other, with a sufficient gap between them for you to sit comfortably. While it may not be as popular as its standing counterpart, the seated pull-up offers a unique variation that can effectively strengthen the muscles of your upper body. During the Seated Pull-up between Chairs, you place your hands on the edge of each chair, gripping them securely, and lower yourself down until your arms are fully extended. From this starting position, you engage your back muscles and pull your body upward until your chin is level with or above the level of the chairs. This exercise mimics the movement pattern of a regular pull-up but provides a modified and supported version for those who prefer a seated position or need assistance overcoming the pull-up's inherent challenges. Incorporating the Seated Pull-up between Chairs into your workout routine can help improve your overall upper body strength, especially in the back, shoulders, and arms. Additionally, it engages your core for stability and supports better posture. However, as with any exercise, proper form is crucial to maximize effectiveness and minimize the risk of injury. Always ensure your chairs are stable and secure, and that your grip is firm throughout the movement. Remember, balancing your fitness routine with a combination of strength training exercises like the Seated Pull-up between Chairs, cardiovascular workouts, and flexibility exercises can help you achieve a well-rounded fitness program. Speak with a certified trainer to ensure you are performing exercises correctly and to tailor your workout routine to your individual goals.


  • Position two sturdy chairs facing each other, with the seats parallel and about shoulder-width apart.
  • Sit on one of the chairs and grip the edges firmly with an overhand grip.
  • Place your feet on the edge of the opposite chair's seat, ensuring your body is stretched out in front of the chair you are sitting on.
  • Keep your chest lifted and engage your core muscles.
  • Begin the exercise by pulling your body upward, towards the edge of the chair you are sitting on.
  • Continue pulling until your chin is above the chair seat.
  • Pause briefly at the top of the movement, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Slowly lower yourself back to the starting position with control, ensuring proper form and engaging the muscles.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on engaging your back muscles throughout the movement.
  • Gradually increase the difficulty by elevating your feet on a platform or adding weights.
  • Ensure proper form by keeping your chest lifted and shoulder blades pulled back.
  • Incorporate a controlled tempo and avoid relying on momentum.
  • Include variety by experimenting with different grip widths and hand positions.
  • Prioritize safety by using sturdy chairs or equipment that can support your weight.
  • Include regular pull-up variations to improve overall upper body strength.
  • Incorporate stretching and mobility exercises for the shoulders and upper back to enhance range of motion.
  • Include exercises that target the muscles involved in the seated pull-up, such as rows and lat pulldowns.
  • Focus on proper breathing technique, inhaling before pulling up and exhaling as you lower down.


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