Seated Side-to-Side Leg Raise Crunch on Floor

Seated Side-to-Side Leg Raise Crunch on Floor

The Seated Side-to-Side Leg Raise Crunch on the floor is a challenging exercise that targets multiple muscle groups in your core, including the obliques, lower abdominals, and hip flexors. This exercise combines the benefits of a leg raise and a crunch, resulting in a comprehensive workout for your abs. To perform this exercise, you start by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Place your hands on the floor slightly behind you for support. Engage your core and maintain a tall, upright posture throughout the movement. Begin the exercise by simultaneously raising your legs off the ground while bringing your knees towards your chest. At the same time, rotate your torso to the right, aiming to touch your left elbow to your right knee. Lower your legs and torso back to the starting position and repeat, this time rotating your torso to the left and aiming to touch your right elbow to your left knee. There are several ways to modify the Seated Side-to-Side Leg Raise Crunch to suit your fitness level. To make it easier, you can bend your knees slightly or perform the exercise with bent legs. If you want to increase the difficulty, try performing the exercise with your legs straight and without using your hands for support. Additionally, you can add ankle weights or a medicine ball between your legs to challenge your core even more. This exercise not only strengthens your core muscles but also improves stability and balance. It is important to practice proper form and start with a weight or intensity level that is suitable for your fitness level. Remember to breathe throughout the movement, inhaling as you lift your legs and exhaling as you crunch and rotate your torso. Incorporating the Seated Side-to-Side Leg Raise Crunch on the floor into your workout routine can help you achieve a toned and strong core. Combine it with other exercises that target different core muscles for a well-rounded abdominal workout.


  • Start by sitting on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you.
  • Bend your knees slightly and lean back slightly, while keeping your back straight.
  • Place your hands on the floor behind you for support.
  • Engage your core muscles and lift both legs off the floor, keeping them straight.
  • Simultaneously, lift your upper body off the floor, bringing your chest towards your knees.
  • Continue to raise your legs and crunch forward until your chest and knees meet in the middle.
  • Pause for a moment at the top of the movement.
  • Slowly lower your legs and upper body back down to the starting position with control.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Engage your core muscles throughout the exercise to maintain stability and control.
  • Keep your movement slow and controlled to maximize muscle engagement and prevent momentum.
  • Focus on squeezing your obliques to bring your legs up to the side and crunching your upper body towards your knees.
  • Ensure your lower back stays flat against the floor to avoid strain and injury.
  • Breathe out as you crunch and bring your legs up, and breathe in as you return to the starting position.
  • To increase the difficulty, hold a dumbbell or medicine ball between your feet.
  • If you experience any discomfort or pain, modify the exercise or consult with a fitness professional.
  • Incorporate this exercise as part of a well-rounded workout routine that includes cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
  • For optimal results, combine this exercise with a balanced diet that includes lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Stay consistent and give yourself time to progress and improve over time.


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