Barbell Bench Press against Chains

Barbell Bench Press against Chains

The Barbell Bench Press against Chains is an advanced variation of the traditional bench press exercise that adds an exciting twist to your upper body workout routine. This exercise incorporates the use of chains, which are attached to the ends of a barbell, to create variable resistance throughout the movement. This variation challenges your muscles in a unique way, leading to increased strength gains and improved neuromuscular coordination. Performing the Barbell Bench Press against Chains engages multiple muscle groups, primarily targeting the chest (pectoralis major), shoulders (deltoids), and triceps. As you lower the barbell towards your chest, the chains gradually come in contact with the ground, increasing the weight and resistance. This upward chain reaction demands greater effort from your muscles, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the exercise. Aside from building upper body strength, this exercise also helps improve stabilizer muscle strength and joint stability. The variable resistance challenges your muscles at different points of the lift, forcing them to adapt and grow stronger over time. It is important to note that the Barbell Bench Press against Chains is an advanced exercise that requires proper form, control, and familiarity with standard bench press technique. When incorporating this exercise into your workout routine, remember to start with a weight that allows you to perform the movement with proper form. As you become more comfortable and confident, gradually increase the weight to continue challenging your muscles. Always prioritize safety by using a spotter or training partner when attempting heavy lifts. Adding the Barbell Bench Press against Chains to your training regimen can provide a fun and effective way to enhance upper body strength, build muscle, and break through plateaus. Remember to prioritize proper form, listen to your body, and progress at a pace that suits your individual fitness level. Happy lifting!


  • Start by positioning a loaded barbell on a squat rack or bench press station. Make sure the chains are attached to both ends of the barbell.
  • Lie flat on a bench with your feet planted on the floor, ensuring your eyes are directly under the bar. Your back should be arched and pressed firmly against the bench.
  • Grip the barbell with a wide grip, wider than shoulder-width apart. Your palms should be facing forward, and your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift the barbell off the rack by straightening your arms. Hold it directly above your chest, with your arms fully extended.
  • Slowly lower the barbell towards your chest by bending your elbows. Keep your elbows tucked in slightly.
  • Continue lowering the barbell until it touches your chest around your mid to upper pec line. Keep your core engaged and maintain a slight arch in your lower back.
  • Pause for a moment, then push the barbell back up by straightening your arms. Exhale as you exert force and push the barbell up.
  • Once your arms are fully extended, lock your elbows at the top of the movement. Pause briefly before starting the next repetition.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions, making sure to maintain proper form throughout.
  • When finished, carefully rack the barbell back onto the squat rack or bench press station.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on proper form to ensure you are engaging the correct muscles.
  • Gradually increase the weight lifted to continue challenging your muscles.
  • Maintain a controlled and steady tempo throughout each repetition.
  • Incorporate a variety of grip widths to target different areas of your chest and triceps.
  • Vary the height of the chains to add variability and challenge to your workout.
  • Ensure you have a spotter when lifting heavy weights to prevent injury.
  • Include ample rest and recovery time between sets to allow your muscles to repair and grow.
  • Incorporate other chest exercises, such as dumbbell presses and push-ups, to target the muscles from different angles.
  • Consult with a fitness professional to ensure you are using proper equipment and technique.
  • Fuel your body with a balanced diet to support muscle growth and recovery.


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