The Dumbbell Chest Workout

Gym | Single Workout | Intermediate: 4 exercises

This dumbbell workout is designed to target the major muscles of the upper body, specifically the chest, back, and shoulders. The workout consists of four sets of each exercise, starting with 15 reps in the first set and gradually decreasing the number of reps to 10 as the sets progress. The Dumbbell Bench Press is a classic exercise that effectively works the chest, shoulders, and triceps, while the Dumbbell Around Pullover primarily engages the chest and back muscles. The Dumbbell Lying Hammer Press is a great exercise for targeting the chest and triceps, and the Dumbbell Pullover helps to strengthen the muscles of the chest and back. To maximize the benefits of this workout, it's important to focus on maintaining proper form and technique throughout each exercise, and to gradually increase the weight used as strength improves. Additionally, incorporating a balanced nutrition plan and sufficient rest is vital for muscle recovery and growth.

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