Assisted Lying Hip Stretch In Supine Position

Assisted Lying Hip Stretch In Supine Position

The Assisted Lying Hip Stretch in Supine Position is a highly effective exercise that targets the hip flexors, allowing for improved flexibility and mobility in the hip area. As the name suggests, this stretch is performed while lying down on your back, making it a suitable option for those who may have difficulty with standing exercises or prefer working out at home. This stretch is often recommended for individuals who sit for extended periods of time, as it helps to alleviate tightness and muscle imbalances that can occur in the hip flexors. It involves using a partner or a resistance band to assist in the stretch, thereby increasing the intensity and depth of the stretch. By performing the Assisted Lying Hip Stretch regularly, you can experience benefits such as reduced lower back pain, improved hip mobility for activities like running or squatting, and enhanced posture. It is important to maintain proper form throughout the stretch to avoid any strain or discomfort. Always listen to your body and never force the stretch beyond your comfort level. Incorporating the Assisted Lying Hip Stretch into your routine, along with a well-rounded fitness program, can contribute to better overall flexibility and joint health. Remember to consult with a qualified fitness professional for guidance and to determine if this exercise is appropriate for your specific needs and fitness level.


  • Lie down on your back on a flat and comfortable surface, such as a yoga mat or exercise mat.
  • Bend both knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor.
  • Place a resistance band or a towel around one foot, holding onto the ends of the band or towel with both hands.
  • Gently pull your knee towards your chest using the band or towel, while keeping the other foot flat on the ground.
  • Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, feeling a gentle pull in your hip and glute muscles.
  • Slowly release the stretch and repeat on the other side.
  • Perform 2-3 sets of the exercise on each side, gradually increasing the duration of the stretch as your flexibility improves.
  • Remember to breathe deeply and relax during the stretch, avoiding any jerky or forceful movements.

Tips & Tricks

  • Incorporate this stretch into your post-workout routine to help improve hip flexibility and reduce muscle tightness.
  • Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the stretch to ensure proper alignment and maximize the benefits.
  • Use a yoga strap or resistance band to assist with the stretch if you are unable to reach your desired range of motion.
  • Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds on each side, focusing on deepening the stretch gradually without bouncing.
  • Breathe deeply and relax into the stretch to allow your muscles to release tension.
  • Avoid overstretching or forcing the movement, listen to your body's limits and work within a comfortable range of motion.
  • Utilize proper breathing techniques by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth during the stretch.
  • Perform this stretch on a comfortable surface such as a yoga mat to provide cushioning and support for your body.
  • If you feel any pain or discomfort during the stretch, ease off and modify the intensity or seek guidance from a fitness professional.
  • To progress the stretch, you can experiment with different leg positions or explore similar hip-opening exercises.


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