Cable Twist

Cable Twist

The Cable Twist is a versatile and effective exercise that targets your core muscles, especially the obliques. This exercise is performed using a cable machine, which allows for variable resistance to challenge your muscles at any fitness level. The primary equipment needed is a cable machine with an adjustable handle at chest height. To perform the Cable Twist, you need to attach the handle to the cable machine and stand perpendicular to the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the handle parallel to your chest with both hands, keeping your arms extended. Engage your core muscles by pulling your belly button in towards your spine. This will help stabilize your torso during the exercise. Start the movement by rotating your upper body away from the machine, using your core muscles to twist as far as comfortably possible without straining. Keep your hips facing forward throughout the exercise. Slowly return to the starting position, controlling the movement, and then repeat on the other side. Adding the Cable Twist to your workout routine can have various benefits. It helps strengthen your core and improves rotational stability, which is crucial for sports activities that involve twisting movements. Additionally, the exercise engages the muscles in your shoulders, back, and hips, promoting overall balance and coordination. Remember to start with lighter weights or resistance and gradually increase as your strength improves. Always maintain proper form, breathe deeply throughout the exercise, and avoid any jerky or uncontrolled movements to prevent injury. Including the Cable Twist in your workout routine can enhance your core strength and stability, leading to improved performance in various physical activities and better overall fitness.


  • Stand facing a cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
  • Hold the cable handle with both hands in front of your torso, chest height.
  • Keep your upper body stable and engage your core.
  • Twist your torso to the right, pulling the cable across your body.
  • Pause briefly at the end of the movement, feeling the contraction in your obliques.
  • Slowly reverse the movement and twist your torso back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise for the desired number of reps and then switch sides to twist to the left.

Tips & Tricks

  • Engage your core throughout the entire movement to maximize stability and control.
  • Start with lighter weights and gradually increase resistance as your strength improves.
  • Focus on controlled and slow movements to effectively target the oblique muscles.
  • To intensify the exercise, try adding a slight pause at the end of each twist to increase time under tension.
  • Be mindful of your breathing - exhale on the twist and inhale during the return to starting position.
  • Ensure that your shoulders are relaxed and avoid using excessive arm strength during the movement.
  • Maintain proper posture by keeping your back straight and avoiding any hunching or rounding.
  • If performing this exercise at home, make sure you have a secure anchor point for the cable or resistance band.
  • Mix up your routine by incorporating different variations of the cable twist, such as standing, kneeling, or seated positions.
  • Remember to warm up your body before attempting any exercise to prevent injury.


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