Cable Hanging Leg Raise

Cable Hanging Leg Raise

The Cable Hanging Leg Raise is a challenging exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, particularly the abs and hip flexors. This exercise is performed using a cable machine, which adds resistance to increase the intensity and effectiveness of the movement. To perform the Cable Hanging Leg Raise, you start by attaching a rope or a stirrup handle to a high pulley on the cable machine. Then, adjust the height of the pulley so that it is slightly above your head. Grab the handle with an overhand grip and hang from the cable, allowing your feet to dangle freely. Engaging your core muscles, slowly raise your legs by flexing at the hips and pulling your knees towards your chest. Continue the movement until your thighs are parallel to the ground or as high as you can comfortably go. The Cable Hanging Leg Raise not only strengthens your abs and hip flexors but also engages your lower back muscles, obliques, and stabilizing muscles in your shoulders and arms. It is essential to maintain control throughout the exercise to minimize swinging or using momentum. Including the Cable Hanging Leg Raise in your workout routine can help build a strong and stable core, improve your overall posture, and enhance your athletic performance in various activities. As with any exercise, it's important to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance as you get stronger and more comfortable with the movement. Remember to consult with a fitness professional or a physician before attempting new exercises, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or injuries.


  • Hang from a cable machine with your hands shoulder-width apart and your arms extended.
  • Keep your legs straight and together, with your feet pointing down.
  • Engage your core and exhale as you slowly raise your legs up towards your chest.
  • Pause for a moment and squeeze your abs at the top of the movement.
  • Inhale and slowly lower your legs back to the starting position, maintaining control throughout the movement.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on proper form and technique to engage the abdominal muscles effectively.
  • Engage your core muscles before initiating the leg raise movement.
  • Keep your legs straight and try to lift them upward using your abdominals and not momentum.
  • Use a controlled and slow tempo to ensure maximum muscle activation.
  • Maintain a neutral spine position throughout the exercise to prevent strain on the lower back.
  • Exhale as you lift your legs and inhale as you lower them back down.
  • Gradually increase the intensity by adding ankle weights or increasing the resistance on the cable machine.
  • Ensure a full range of motion by lifting your legs as high as possible without straining the lower back.
  • Avoid swinging or using excessive momentum during the exercise.
  • Include this exercise in a well-rounded core workout routine for optimal results.


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