Dumbbell Alternate Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Alternate Shoulder Press

The dumbbell alternate shoulder press is a versatile and effective exercise that targets your shoulder muscles, particularly the anterior deltoids. It strengthens and tones not only your shoulders but also your triceps and upper back muscles. This exercise can be performed at home or in the gym, making it a fantastic addition to your upper body routine. To perform the dumbbell alternate shoulder press, you will need a pair of dumbbells. Start by standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding the dumbbells at shoulder level, palms facing forward. This starting position is known as the "rack position." Keep your core engaged and maintain a slight bend in your knees throughout the exercise. Begin by pressing one dumbbell upward until your arm is almost fully extended, while simultaneously lowering the other dumbbell to the rack position. Slowly lower the raised dumbbell back to the starting position, and repeat the movement on the opposite side. Alternate back and forth between arms, focusing on controlled and deliberate movements. The dumbbell alternate shoulder press offers several benefits. It helps to improve shoulder strength and stability, enhances your posture, and can even aid in reducing the risk of shoulder injuries. This exercise also engages your core muscles, providing an added bonus of core stabilization and strength development. Remember, when performing the dumbbell alternate shoulder press, it is crucial to use proper form and select an appropriate weight. If you're new to exercise or unsure about your technique, consider consulting a fitness professional who can guide you through the exercise and ensure you're performing it safely and effectively.


  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level with your palms facing forward.
  • Engage your core and press one dumbbell up overhead, fully extending your arm without locking the elbow.
  • At the same time, lower the other dumbbell back to the starting position.
  • Lower the extended dumbbell back to shoulder level while raising the opposite dumbbell overhead in a fluid motion.
  • Continue alternating the pressing motion, one arm at a time, for the desired number of reps.
  • Remember to keep your back straight, and avoid arching or leaning during the exercise.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on maintaining proper form and alignment throughout the exercise.
  • Increase the intensity by gradually increasing the weight of the dumbbells over time.
  • Engage your core muscles to stabilize your body and prevent excessive sway or movement during the exercise.
  • Control the movement by slowly and steadily lowering the dumbbell back to the starting position.
  • Ensure equal effort on both sides by alternating the pressing arm with each repetition.
  • Incorporate a full range of motion by fully extending your arm overhead and gently touching the dumbbell heads together at the top of each repetition.
  • Maintain a consistent tempo during the exercise, avoiding quick jerking or swinging movements.
  • Breathe out as you press the dumbbell overhead, and inhale as you lower it back down.
  • Take breaks as needed to rest and recover between sets to avoid fatigue and maintain proper form.
  • Focus on your shoulder muscles during the exercise and squeeze them at the top of each repetition.


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