Dumbbell Hammer Curls (with arm blaster)

Dumbbell Hammer Curls (with arm blaster)

Dumbbell Hammer Curls (with arm blaster) is a fantastic exercise for targeting the biceps muscles. It is a variation of the traditional dumbbell curls, but here we incorporate an arm blaster to enhance the benefits. The arm blaster helps stabilize the upper arms, isolating the biceps and minimizing any cheating or momentum during the exercise. To perform this exercise, you'll need a pair of dumbbells and an arm blaster. Start by standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Place the arm blaster across your upper chest and secure it in place. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your body. With controlled movements, slowly curl one dumbbell up towards your shoulder while keeping your upper arms and elbows stationary. Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement and then lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position. Repeat the same process with your other arm, alternating between them until you've completed the desired number of reps. The Dumbbell Hammer Curls with arm blaster primarily targets the brachialis, brachioradialis, and biceps muscles of your upper arms. It helps to build strength, improve muscle definition, and enhance the overall aesthetics of your arms. Remember to choose a weight that allows you to maintain proper form and complete the desired number of repetitions with moderate difficulty. Gradually increase the weight as your strength progresses to continue challenging your muscles. Incorporating Dumbbell Hammer Curls with arm blaster into your regular workout routine can help you achieve well-rounded arm development and boost your overall upper body strength. However, it's important to remember that exercises alone are not enough to reach your fitness goals. A balanced nutrition plan, proper rest, and consistency in your workouts are equally important for achieving optimal results.


  • Begin by standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arm blaster securely fitted around your upper arm.
  • Hold a pair of dumbbells in each hand with your palms facing your torso and your arms fully extended down at your sides.
  • Keeping your upper arms stationary, exhale and curl the weights while contracting your biceps. Continue to raise the dumbbells until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level.
  • Pause for a brief moment at the top of the contraction, squeezing your biceps.
  • Inhale and slowly begin to lower the dumbbells back to the starting position by extending your arms fully. Make sure to fully stretch your biceps at the bottom of the movement.
  • Repeat the movement for the recommended amount of reps.

Tips & Tricks

  • Start with a weight that challenges you but allows for proper form
  • Engage your core and maintain a stable upper body throughout the exercise
  • Keep your elbows locked in a fixed position and only move your forearms
  • Focus on squeezing the biceps at the top of the movement for maximum contraction
  • Control the descent and avoid swinging or using momentum
  • Breathe consistently and rhythmically throughout the exercise
  • Gradually increase the weight as you get stronger and more comfortable with the movement
  • Warm up adequately before attempting heavy sets
  • Incorporate variety by altering grip width, using different dumbbell weights, or performing drop sets
  • Listen to your body and rest when needed to prevent overtraining


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