Exercise Ball on the Wall Calf Raise (tennis ball between knees)

Exercise Ball on the Wall Calf Raise (tennis ball between knees)

The Exercise Ball on the Wall Calf Raise is a unique twist on a classic calf exercise that adds an extra challenge and engages multiple muscle groups. This exercise primarily targets the muscles in your calves, but it also activates your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. By incorporating a tennis ball between your knees, you can further engage your inner thighs and core muscles. To perform this exercise, you'll need an exercise ball and a sturdy wall. Stand with your back against the wall and place the exercise ball between the wall and your lower back. Position your feet hip-width apart with your toes pointed forward. Hold the tennis ball between your knees, keeping your knees aligned with your toes. From this starting position, press through the balls of your feet and raise your heels off the floor, lifting your body upward. As you come up, maintain a straight posture and engage your core. Pause for a moment at the top of the movement, feeling the contraction in your calf muscles. Then, slowly lower your heels back to the starting position. Perform several sets of this exercise, aiming for around 10-15 repetitions per set. Feel free to adjust the intensity by increasing or decreasing the length of your calf raise or by holding the raised position for a longer duration. Remember to control your movements throughout the exercise, focusing on both the upward and downward phases. The Exercise Ball on the Wall Calf Raise with a tennis ball adds an element of instability, which challenges your balance and activates additional stabilizing muscles. It is a great way to improve calf strength, ankle stability, and overall lower body strength. Plus, it's a versatile exercise that can be easily modified to suit your fitness level by adjusting the distance between your body and the wall or by using a larger or smaller exercise ball. So, grab an exercise ball, find a wall, and give your calves an effective workout with this challenging exercise!


  • Stand facing a wall with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Place an exercise ball between your lower back and the wall.
  • Squeeze a tennis ball between your knees.
  • Slowly raise your heels off the floor as high as possible while keeping your balance.
  • Hold the raised position for a brief moment.
  • Lower your heels back to the starting position in a controlled manner.
  • Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Engage your core muscles throughout the exercise to maintain stability and balance.
  • Make sure to keep your shoulders relaxed and avoid hunching forward.
  • Maintain a slow and controlled movement to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Squeeze the tennis ball between your knees tightly to activate your inner thigh muscles.
  • Gradually increase the number of repetitions and sets as you become more comfortable with the exercise.
  • Remember to breathe properly during the calf raises to avoid unnecessary tension.
  • Focus on pushing through the balls of your feet when raising your heels to emphasize calf muscle engagement.
  • Consider incorporating variations of this exercise, such as single leg calf raises or adding dumbbells for an extra challenge.
  • Ensure that the exercise ball is placed securely against the wall to provide stability throughout the movement.
  • Listen to your body and modify the exercise intensity as needed to prevent overexertion or injury.


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