Cable Kneeling Pull Through

Cable Kneeling Pull Through

The Cable Kneeling Pull Through is a fantastic exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, making it an effective addition to any workout routine. This exercise primarily engages the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, while also working the core and upper body to a certain extent. To perform the Cable Kneeling Pull Through, you'll need a cable machine with a low attachment and a rope or handle. Start by attaching the rope to the cable and lowering the attachment to the bottom position. Position yourself on the ground in a kneeling position facing away from the cable machine, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hips extended forward slightly. Grab the rope or handle with both hands, ensuring your palms are facing each other. Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement. Keeping your arms straight, exhale and push your hips back, extending your body forward at a slight angle. It's essential to focus on using your glutes and hamstrings to initiate the movement, rather than relying on your lower back. As you lower your upper body, allow your arms to move between your legs, feeling a stretch in your hamstrings. Once you've reached a comfortable stretch position, inhale and engage your glutes to reverse the movement. Powerfully drive your hips forward, bringing your body back to an upright kneeling position. Maintain control throughout the exercise and avoid using momentum to swing the weight. The Cable Kneeling Pull Through not only helps build strength and muscle in the posterior chain but also contributes to improving hip mobility and stability. Remember to choose an appropriate weight that challenges you without compromising your form. Incorporate this exercise into your workout routine to enhance your overall lower body strength and stability.


  • Start by setting up a cable machine at a low setting and attaching a rope handle to the cable.
  • Kneel down facing away from the machine with the rope handle between your legs.
  • Grab the rope handle with an overhand grip and keep your arms extended in front of you.
  • Position yourself in a kneeling position with your hips hinged back and your torso slightly inclined forward.
  • This is your starting position.
  • Engage your core muscles and pull the cable handle back between your legs while maintaining the hinge at your hips.
  • As you pull the handle, focus on squeezing your glutes and driving your hips forward.
  • Pause briefly when you reach the fully extended position with your hips fully locked out.
  • Slowly release the cable back to the starting position by extending your arms forward and bending at the hips.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on engaging your core throughout the entire movement.
  • Use a controlled and deliberate motion, avoiding any jerking or swinging.
  • Keep your back straight and maintain good posture to prevent injury.
  • Gradually increase the weight as you get stronger and more comfortable with the exercise.
  • Don't forget to breathe consistently throughout the movement.
  • Experiment with different grip positions to target different muscles.
  • Include this exercise as part of a full-body workout routine to maximize its benefits.
  • Ensure that the cable is properly secured and the machine is set up correctly before starting the exercise.
  • Perform the movement in a slow and controlled manner, focusing on the mind-muscle connection.
  • Remember to stretch before and after the exercise to prevent muscle tightness or strains.


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