Lever Incline Hammer Chest Press

Lever Incline Hammer Chest Press

The Lever Incline Hammer Chest Press is a challenging and effective exercise that targets your chest muscles, particularly the pectoralis major. This exercise is perfect for individuals looking to add size and strength to their upper body. To perform the Lever Incline Hammer Chest Press, you'll need access to a lever incline press machine. Start by adjusting the seat and backrest to your comfort. Sit on the machine with your feet flat on the floor, maintaining a neutral spine. Grasp the handles with an overhand grip, making sure your wrists are aligned with your shoulders. Initiate the movement by pressing the handles forward and slightly upward, focusing on the contraction of your chest muscles. Avoid locking your elbows at the top. Slowly return to the starting position, allowing your chest muscles to stretch. This exercise offers a few key benefits. First, it targets the upper chest fibers, helping to develop a well-rounded and defined chest. Second, the lever machine provides stability, reducing the stress on your joints and allowing you to focus solely on the contraction of your chest muscles. Lastly, the hammer grip (palms facing each other) engages your triceps and shoulders more, giving you a more complete upper body workout. Add the Lever Incline Hammer Chest Press to your routine for a demanding chest workout that will help you build strength and enhance your physique. Pair it with exercises like chest flyes and push-ups for a comprehensive chest training session. Remember to start with a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form, gradually increasing the load as you become more comfortable with the movement.


  • Sit on the lever incline hammer chest press machine and adjust the seat height so that the handles are at the same level as your mid-chest.
  • Place your feet flat on the floor, slightly wider than hip-width apart.
  • Grasp the handles with your palms facing each other and wrists aligned with your forearms.
  • Press the handles forward, extending your arms in front of you, until your arms are almost fully extended but not locked.
  • Pause for a moment at the fully extended position, feeling the contraction in your chest muscles.
  • Slowly reverse the motion, bringing the handles back towards your chest in a controlled manner.
  • Stop just before the weight stack touches, maintaining tension in your chest muscles.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired number of reps.
  • Remember to breathe evenly throughout the exercise, inhaling during the eccentric (lowering) phase and exhaling during the concentric (lifting) phase.
  • Maintain proper form and avoid using momentum to complete the exercise.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the exercise to ensure maximum effectiveness.
  • Incorporate a full range of motion by bringing the handles close together at the top and allowing them to separate at the bottom.
  • Engage your core by keeping your abdominals contracted and your back flat against the bench.
  • Control the movement and avoid using momentum to lift the weight.
  • Adjust your seat and handle position to ensure the exercise targets your chest muscles properly.
  • Use a weight that challenges you but still allows you to maintain good form.
  • Breathe steadily throughout the exercise, exhaling as you push the handles away and inhaling as you bring them back in.
  • Alternate between the lever incline hammer chest press and other chest exercises to work different muscles and prevent plateau.
  • Incorporate progressive overload by gradually increasing the weight or repetitions as your strength improves.
  • Include a balanced diet with adequate protein to support muscle growth and recovery.


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