Cable Kneeling Shoulder Press

Cable Kneeling Shoulder Press

The Cable Kneeling Shoulder Press is a compound exercise that targets the muscles of the shoulder, primarily the deltoids (anterior, medial, and posterior heads), as well as the triceps and upper back muscles. By performing this exercise with cables, you can create constant tension throughout the movement, leading to greater muscle activation and development. To perform the Cable Kneeling Shoulder Press, you'll need a cable machine with two adjustable pulleys and a bench. Start by setting the pulleys to shoulder height, gripping the handles with a neutral grip (palms facing each other), and kneeling on the bench with your core engaged and back straight. Once in position, exhale and press the handles straight up, extending your arms fully without locking out your elbows. Keep your shoulders down and retract your shoulder blades to maintain a stable and controlled movement. Pause briefly at the top, and then inhale as you slowly lower the handles back to the starting position. This exercise is excellent for building shoulder strength, muscle hypertrophy, and improving overall upper body stability. It also engages your core muscles to maintain proper posture during the movement. Progressively increasing the weight and performing 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions can help promote muscle growth and strength gains. Remember to always warm up before starting any exercise routine and pay attention to your form and technique throughout the movement. If you experience any pain or discomfort, lower the weight or consult with a fitness professional to ensure proper execution.


  • Start by setting up a cable machine with a handle attachment at shoulder height.
  • Kneel a few feet away from the machine and place one knee on the ground.
  • Grasp the handle with an overhand grip and bring it to shoulder level.
  • Engage your core and press the handle upward until your arms are fully extended overhead.
  • Pause for a moment, then slowly lower the handle back to starting position.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Switch knees and repeat the exercise for balanced shoulder development.

Tips & Tricks

  • Ensure that your core is engaged throughout the exercise to maintain stability and protect your lower back.
  • Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the load as your strength improves.
  • Avoid using excessive momentum and focus on controlling the movement to fully engage the shoulder muscles.
  • Keep your wrists aligned with your forearms to maintain proper form and prevent strain.
  • Breathe out as you press the cables overhead and inhale as you lower them back down.
  • Perform the exercise in a slow and controlled manner to maximize muscle activation.
  • Use a grip width that feels comfortable for you and allows for a full range of motion.
  • If you experience any pain or discomfort, consult with a fitness professional to ensure proper form and technique.
  • Incorporate variations of the exercise, such as alternating shoulder presses or single-arm presses, to challenge your muscles in different ways.
  • Remember to warm up before starting the exercise to increase blood flow to the muscles and reduce the risk of injury.


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