Dumbbell Russian Twist (on stability ball)

Dumbbell Russian Twist (on stability ball)

The Dumbbell Russian Twist (on stability ball) is an excellent exercise that targets the core muscles, particularly the obliques. This exercise is performed using a stability ball and dumbbells to intensify the challenge and maximize your results. By incorporating rotational movements, it helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles while also improving stability and balance. The stability ball adds an element of instability, engaging the deep stabilizing muscles of your core even further. This not only enhances core strength but also promotes better posture and reduces the risk of back pain. The addition of dumbbells increases the resistance, making it a great exercise for building strength and toning your obliques. The beauty of the Dumbbell Russian Twist (on stability ball) is its versatility. You can modify the exercise to match your fitness level and goals. By adjusting the weight of the dumbbells or the speed of your rotations, you can make it more challenging or easier depending on your needs. Incorporating the Dumbbell Russian Twist (on stability ball) into your workout routine can help you develop a strong and defined core while improving your balance and stability. Remember to maintain proper form throughout the exercise, engaging your core and avoiding any jerky movements that may strain your back. Enjoy this fun and effective exercise that will help you achieve a stronger and more functional core.


  • Sit on a stability ball and hold a dumbbell in both hands with your palms facing each other.
  • Lean back so that your upper body forms a 45-degree angle with the floor.
  • Raise your feet a few inches off the ground and keep them together.
  • Contract your core muscles and twist your torso to one side, bringing the dumbbell towards the floor on that side.
  • Pause briefly and then twist your torso to the other side, bringing the dumbbell towards the floor on that side.
  • Continue alternating sides in a controlled manner while keeping your core engaged.
  • Remember to breathe steadily throughout the exercise and not to rush the movements.
  • Complete the desired number of reps or time duration for your workout.
  • Rest and repeat for additional sets as needed.

Tips & Tricks

  • Engage your core muscles throughout the entire exercise.
  • Keep your feet planted firmly on the ground or squeeze them against a stable object for added stability.
  • Start with lighter dumbbells and gradually increase the weight as you build strength and stability.
  • Maintain a controlled and slow tempo to maximize the benefits of the exercise.
  • Focus on twisting from the waist and avoid using momentum to generate movement.
  • Keep your chest lifted and your back straight to maintain proper form.
  • Breathe evenly and avoid holding your breath during the exercise.
  • Avoid excess strain on your neck by keeping your head aligned with your spine.
  • If using a stability ball, select one that is appropriately sized for your height.
  • Include regular stretching exercises to maintain flexibility in your obliques and lower back.


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