Weighted Seated Reverse Wrist Curl

Weighted Seated Reverse Wrist Curl

The Weighted Seated Reverse Wrist Curl is a fantastic exercise that targets your forearms and helps in developing grip strength. It involves using a weighted barbell or dumbbells while sitting on a bench with your forearms resting on your thighs. This exercise specifically targets the extensor muscles in your forearms, which are often overlooked in typical training routines. By performing the Weighted Seated Reverse Wrist Curl, you can improve your forearm strength, enhance wrist stability, and even prevent injuries related to weak grip. This exercise is especially beneficial for athletes involved in sports that require a strong grip, such as rock climbing, tennis, and golf. Additionally, it can also be valuable for individuals who perform activities that involve frequent wrist extension, such as typing or playing musical instruments. Incorporating the Weighted Seated Reverse Wrist Curl into your regular workout routine can help you to build overall arm strength and balance, as it targets specific muscles that are often neglected during traditional arm exercises. Remember to start with a light weight and gradually increase it to avoid strain or injury. It is also important to maintain proper form throughout the movement, keeping your wrists straight and using controlled motions. As with any exercise, it is important to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself past your limits. If you experience any pain or discomfort, it is advisable to seek guidance from a fitness professional. Include the Weighted Seated Reverse Wrist Curl in your arm training routine for stronger forearms, improved grip strength, and enhanced athletic performance.


  • Sit on a bench with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip (palms facing down) and rest your forearms on your thighs.
  • Allow the dumbbells to roll forward until your wrists are hanging just beyond your knees.
  • Exhale and slowly curl the dumbbells upward by bending your wrists, lifting the weights as high as possible.
  • Hold the contracted position for a brief pause, squeezing your forearms.
  • Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the recommended number of reps.
  • Remember to maintain proper form throughout the exercise and avoid swinging or using momentum.

Tips & Tricks

  • 1. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance to build strength and prevent injury.
  • 2. Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the exercise, with a neutral wrist position and controlled movements.
  • 3. Engage your core muscles and maintain a stable seated position to support the movement.
  • 4. Breathe continuously during the exercise, exhaling on the exertion phase and inhaling during the return phase.
  • 5. Aim for a full range of motion, allowing your wrists to flex fully and extending them as far as comfortable for optimal results.
  • 6. Incorporate variations in grip width and equipment used to target different forearm muscles and prevent plateauing.
  • 7. Incorporate wrist stretches and mobility exercises into your warm-up routine to enhance flexibility and prepare for the exercise.
  • 8. Gradually increase the number of sets and reps over time to continually challenge your muscles and promote progress.
  • 9. Allow for adequate recovery between training sessions to allow your muscles to repair and grow stronger.
  • 10. Consider incorporating other forearm and grip strengthening exercises into your routine for comprehensive strength development.


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