Dumbbell Single Leg Hip Thrust

Dumbbell Single Leg Hip Thrust

The Dumbbell Single Leg Hip Thrust is an excellent exercise that targets your glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles. It involves performing a hip thrust with one leg elevated off the ground and using a dumbbell for added resistance. This exercise can be performed at home or in the gym, and it is highly effective for building strength and sculpting your lower body. The primary muscle group worked during the Dumbbell Single Leg Hip Thrust is the gluteus maximus, which is the largest muscle in your buttocks. By activating and strengthening these muscles, you can improve your overall lower body strength and stability. Additionally, this exercise engages your hamstrings, which are the muscles located at the back of your thighs. Strengthening your hamstrings can help improve your athletic performance, prevent injuries, and enhance your overall leg aesthetics. Furthermore, the Dumbbell Single Leg Hip Thrust also targets your core muscles, specifically the transverse abdominis and the erector spinae. These muscles provide stability and support to your spine, promoting good posture and reducing the risk of back pain. By incorporating this exercise into your routine, you can strengthen and tone your core, enhancing your overall functional fitness. When performing the Dumbbell Single Leg Hip Thrust, remember to maintain proper form and alignment. This includes keeping your shoulders and upper back firmly on the ground, engaging your core throughout the movement, and avoiding excessive arching of your lower back. Choose a weight that challenges you but allows you to maintain proper form throughout the exercise. Incorporating the Dumbbell Single Leg Hip Thrust into your workout routine can help you achieve well-rounded lower body strength and stability. Remember to start with lighter weights and gradually progress as you become stronger. Combine this exercise with a balanced diet and proper recovery to optimize your fitness gains.


  • Start by sitting on the ground with your back against a sturdy bench.
  • Place a dumbbell across your hips and extend one leg out in front of you, keeping your knee slightly bent.
  • With your heel planted firmly, slowly lift your hips off the ground until your body forms a straight line from your knee to your shoulders.
  • Pause at the top of the movement and squeeze your glutes.
  • Lower your hips back down to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Switch legs and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on hip extension and squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement.
  • Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to maintain stability and protect your lower back.
  • Start with lighter dumbbells and gradually increase the weight as you become comfortable with the movement.
  • Maintain a controlled tempo and avoid using momentum to lift the weight.
  • Perform the exercise in front of a mirror to check your form and ensure proper alignment.
  • Keep your shoulders down and back, and avoid shrugging or tensing them during the exercise.
  • Breathe in deeply during the eccentric (lowering) phase and exhale forcefully during the concentric (lifting) phase to enhance stability and power.
  • Ensure that your knee stays in line with your ankle throughout the movement to avoid valgus collapse.
  • If you find it challenging to balance, use a sturdy object like a bench or a step to support your upper back.
  • Gradually increase the range of motion over time by focusing on improving hip mobility.


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