Glute Ham Hyperextension Twist

Glute Ham Hyperextension Twist

The Glute Ham Hyperextension Twist is a challenging and effective exercise that targets the posterior chain, with a special emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings. This exercise not only helps to strengthen and tone the lower body but also engages the core and improves stability. During the Glute Ham Hyperextension Twist, you'll be using a glute-ham developer machine or a stability ball to support your body while executing the movement. The exercise involves starting in a prone position with your legs extended and your hips resting on the machine or stability ball. From this position, you will engage your glutes and hamstrings to lift your upper body off the ground, simultaneously twisting your torso to the right or left, depending on your preference. This twisting motion adds an extra challenge to the exercise and helps engage the oblique muscles as well. The Glute Ham Hyperextension Twist is an advanced exercise that requires proper form and technique to avoid strain and injury. It is recommended to start with a lighter resistance or reduced range of motion and gradually progress as your strength and stability improve. Incorporating this exercise into your routine can help improve athletic performance, increase lower body strength, and enhance overall functional fitness. Remember to always listen to your body and progress at a pace that feels comfortable and safe for you. As with any exercise, it's important to maintain proper breathing, technique, and posture throughout the movement. Pair this exercise with other lower body exercises, such as squats and lunges, to create a well-rounded and effective lower body workout routine. Happy training!


  • Start by lying face down on a glute ham developer machine with your hips extending slightly beyond the edge.
  • Position your feet on the foot pads, keeping your legs extended and your toes pointing downwards.
  • Place your hands behind your head or crossed over your chest.
  • Engage your glutes and hamstrings to lift your upper body off the pad while simultaneously twisting your torso to one side.
  • Lower your upper body back down and repeat the twist to the opposite side.
  • Continue alternating twists for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Make sure to maintain proper form by keeping your core engaged, back straight, and avoiding excessive swinging or jerking motions.
  • Focus on feeling the contraction in your glutes and hamstrings throughout the exercise.
  • Adjust the resistance or weight to challenge yourself appropriately, but always prioritize proper form and technique.

Tips & Tricks

  • Ensure proper form and technique to avoid injury.
  • Start with a lighter weight or resistance and gradually increase as your strength improves.
  • Focus on engaging your glutes and hamstrings throughout the exercise.
  • Include this exercise in your lower body workout routine to target and strengthen your posterior chain.
  • Listen to your body and rest when needed to prevent overtraining and muscle imbalances.
  • Incorporate variations of the glute ham hyperextension twist, such as using resistance bands or adding a medicine ball for increased challenge.
  • Support your lower back by keeping your core engaged and maintaining a neutral spine alignment.
  • Include regular stretching and mobility exercises to improve flexibility and range of motion in your glutes and hamstrings.
  • Stay consistent with your workouts and gradually increase the intensity or duration to continue progressing.
  • Pay attention to your breathing and exhale as you lift or twist, inhaling as you return to the starting position.


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