Band Face Pull

Band Face Pull

The Band Face Pull is an effective upper body exercise that targets the shoulders, upper back, and rear delts while also engaging the muscles of the core. It is a great exercise for improving posture, strengthening the upper body muscles, and reducing the risk of shoulder injuries. This exercise is commonly performed using a resistance band, making it a convenient option for both home and gym workouts. During the Band Face Pull, the resistance band is attached to a stable anchor point at chest level. The exerciser stands in an upright position, grasping the band with an overhand grip. From here, the elbows are flexed and pulled back, while squeezing the shoulder blades together. The movement primarily involves retracting the scapulae and externally rotating the shoulders, creating a strong contraction in the upper back and rear deltoid muscles. To maximize the benefits of the Band Face Pull, it is important to maintain proper form throughout the entire exercise. This includes keeping a tall posture, avoiding excessive leaning or swaying, and focusing on engaging the target muscles with each repetition. It is recommended to start with a lighter resistance band and gradually progress to a heavier one as your strength and proficiency improve. Including the Band Face Pull in your workout routine can help ensure balanced upper body development, improve posture, and enhance overall strength. Remember to incorporate proper nutrition and adequate rest into your fitness regimen to support muscle recovery and growth.


  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a resistance band in front of you with both hands.
  • Grip the band with an overhand grip, placing your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Pull the band towards your face by retracting your shoulder blades, while keeping your elbows higher than your hands.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the back and hold for a moment.
  • Slowly return to the starting position by extending your arms forward, maintaining tension in the band.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Tips & Tricks

  • Start with a light resistance band and gradually increase the tension as your strength improves.
  • Maintain a proper posture throughout the exercise, keeping your shoulders back and chest lifted.
  • Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together as you pull the band towards your face.
  • Control the movement and avoid using momentum to ensure optimal muscle engagement.
  • Engage your core muscles to stabilize your body during the exercise.
  • Exhale as you pull the band towards your face and inhale as you release back to the starting position.
  • Avoid shrugging your shoulders or tensing your neck while performing the face pull.
  • Include band face pulls as part of your upper body workout routine to strengthen your upper back and improve posture.
  • Incorporate variations of the exercise, such as single-arm face pulls or kneeling face pulls, to target different muscle groups.
  • Consult with a fitness professional to learn proper form and ensure this exercise is suitable for your individual fitness level.


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